A little 4 door E85 action to share videos click to see



Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2013
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we were lucky got into the Quick 8 but I broke out at 8.13 :eek:ops:

been working on fuel and other changes while the stroker motor is coming along the tires no longer spin at this point

here is the Quick 8 run below



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Looks like you had a blast! I am so tempted to take mine to the track. I'm 4 miles down the road from a super 1/4 track and have a car that I got into the 10s with but have not raced it for three years now. I've grown bored with taking it to car shows and cruises. Maybe some racing is in order.....
Looks like you had a blast! I am so tempted to take mine to the track. I'm 4 miles down the road from a super 1/4 track and have a car that I got into the 10s with but have not raced it for three years now. I've grown bored with taking it to car shows and cruises. Maybe some racing is in order.....

yes do take it to the track it is so much fun! love to see more people come and race. Had a flash mob for women drivers going I hope to been a blast. run what you brung. all the flash mob rules were they had to meet there and pay to race and run their car at least two times down the track then they can leave or stay or keep on racing. Id imagine they would have kept on racing. but it rained :banghead: :toothy2: but we can always do it again. :flower:

yes totally over cruises and shows. seen one you seen them all more interesting cars in our yard :D

car shows mostly pocket book people not worked on their cars and have no clue and every one looks the same and about five minutes in this show you are thinking could be home working on our own stuff and the admission cost would buy another mopar part. No one gets creative its this one looks like that one except maybe a different color.

I even went to the dukes fest in Nashville once and by myself was so disgusted with how much orange they used to cover rust and corrosion cracks etc. it was horrible made my skills look excellent. now with our race cars we may not have perfect this or that because we focus on MAXING POWER rather entering a beauty contest for look at me attitude.

I have not checked where your location is but if you are close you have to come race in our neck of the woods. we plan to take two cars and both race soon and then we will have a blast for sure. :burnout:


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What were your R.T.'s ? Looks like you're fairly sawing that tree down.
Lots o fun.
What were your R.T.'s ? Looks like you're fairly sawing that tree down.
Lots o fun.

Hi This will be the 2nd try to answer this post. :D it crashed as I had added the photo and was about to submit it.

Sometime in the beginning of the season that we had raced I won two gift certificates at our local speed shop for having the best reaction time the same night. 40.00 total. It was well used for the car.

We have changed or modified the car every week since the get go, major changes and suddle ones also. All that does is make for hard to get a good light because the entire time you are relearning the car. We have been working the bugs out and about have it right! Till we put the better motor the race motor in. now its a stock 360. we have changed motors three times rear ends tires etc
The car no longer spins and that makes a big difference. well till we put the race motor in and the other tires hope it wont spin then.

I took a photo of the time slip of the Quick 8 that we were so happy and lucky to get in. but shamefully I broke out :banghead:lol but will just have to do better next time. I am including the time slip if the site page does not crash again when I add it. :hello2:

I am not happy till they are all zeros!!!!!!! :happy2:


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