a little motivation needed



New Member
Dec 22, 2005
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I've been a member for a few years now but never reached out and joined in any discussions. The deal is my wife bought me 2 1968 barracudas when I was deployed to Iraq. It is my dream car for many personal reasons. The main is that I never got to know my father and his 68 barracuda is one of the only things I can remember family talking about. Now I have had the cars for around 4 years and have done nothing to bring my dream to the street. Money has always been my excuse. I feel if I don't start something soon I may never start.One only has 55,000 on it but was parked for 20 years with some pretty good body damage and the windows down. The other is gutted with only the body and suspension remaining. With the one that is all there I would like to make a daily driver with a little kick and the gutted one I would like to set up for the track. I guess what I am asking for is a little motivation. I don't know where to start.I want to do the daily driver first but like I said I don't know where to start. Any suggestions???
Welcome to FABO! Here is a little motivation.......:cheers:



I painted my own car.....my old white notchback '67. It took me a year and a half. I would come home from work, and try to put in an hour and a half per day. Sure, there were sometimes 2 weeks where I wouldn't touch it.....but I always got right back in there, stripping, tapping, bondo-ing, (and re-stripping when I thought there was too much bondo) more tap-tapping, blocking, primering, feeling and feeling and feeling with my fingertips.....trying to pick up that "feel".

I started out with a somewhat small body/paint book.....and just read it over and over and over.....it was my bathroom book....lol... Anyway, just don't sit there looking for results.....just keep your head down and keep plugging away at it. The results will come eventually and you'll get re-motivated. As far as money or parts you need.....you'd be surprised how cool a lot of people around here are.....and generous.

There's something cool about long-term projects.....because I think it "tests" your patience and commitment.....almost like a mind game...to stay in there. Gotta have faith that it'll all come together someday.
just start anywhere and soon you will feel in the groove....