A quick trip to the lake LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
So, the little boat "needs more prop." 77 Johnson 35hp, 11x9 pitch prop. Tached 6450 at 24mph. Operating range in the book is 5000-6000, rated 35hp at 5500

Late today on CL is a parts Evinrude 35. Went out there, it's in unknown shape, missing the CD ignition box. But it had "more prop" and a trolling plate, which might be worth something. Came with 10 1/2X 11 prop. Got home, loaded up the boat, traded props, and "launched" it (in the mud LOL) at Fernan lake. What did we gain? Why, 28--bouncing on 29 at 5590!!!


Below you cannot quite see the Chinesoationized tach taped to the wiring harness. It actually worked fairly well. You wrap the pickup around a plug wire

Bottom two, the "mud launch". The trailer rollers don't even get into the water. Thank the Lord it's a small light boat. Even so, the original winch was 3:1, I found a 4:1 laying around and it made a tremendous difference in effort.

The battery and electric motor are causing the list. With me in it it's nearly perfectly level. I use the electric to get out past the lily pads. Does that 35 look "too big?" LMAO
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Looks like that prop's just right.
I don't know it might use a bit more. The service manual is confusing, they list several but I'm not sure they are "down the page" in order of more load. There is a 10"X 13 and a 10 1/4" x 13 SST (I guess stainless) but at the bottom they list an 11" X 9 SS which should be less. So, not sure.

You are right tho it must be close. I thought I'd get a bit more out of it, but who knows what shape the engine is really in??
As someone who spent years chasing top speed in boats, i can say the happy place is between max hull speed, max prop speed and engine temp.

If you can find a happy place in those three, stick with it or build a new boat.
^^Do you have a "gut feel" about where I stand? That is, is there more, should there be, could the outboard be on the low output side?
The season is likely about over here. Rain and cooling next week, and that could "end it" for the year

Last night, I pulled the motor "in" towards the stern the last tilt notch and it slowed, so that is optimum
Pitch and cup drive the bow into the water.

For speed and fuel use i like the drive at 90 degrees to the transom.

If bringing the drive past 90 pushes the bow over you have to much pitch.

In a boat that you can not adjust the angle of attack i would say you are dang close to the right prop.

Boats and props are a black art. Its not something that can just be easily taught.

When you punch the throttle dose the prop spin or dose the bow just come right up?

Although im not tuning fishing boats so.. it just finding the place where the boat feels and acts right.
I've tried it in/ out, it adjusts by the old school "pull the toggle bolt and hope you don't drop it." Bow comes right up, does not sound to me like it slips much and no cavitation that I can see or hear. Wish I could post a video LOL As it's an old motor, (newest I have LOL) who knows if it's making what it should. Runs good, sounds good, I've checked throttle linkage, and full advance/ timing.

It for sure seems to like the fuel tank up in the bow. I went to some trouble to build that shelf!!