A Rare Craigslist Ad (He's Crazy)

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Over 20% of American's suffer from mental illness. That's over 40 million people. He's only 1 of them
He wants to see it redone and on the showroom floor!! At that price, it's already over 3x what it cost new!!
Man I never should have sold my 88.... must be even rarer!! ( 'cept is was one of a fleet of North Dakota HWY Patrol cars)...
Lock the man up in a rubber room. There are drugs to contain that condition. Now for sure I am not selling my 68 dart gt for a penny less than $250,000.
Book in decent condition about $2K. With the front end damage, drop a zero and he would be at about the right asking price range.
I think it comes with a big bag of drugs in the trunk (your choice) but you need to recoupe 9900.00 from the drug sales to feel like you didn't get screwed
You can tell the condition of the seller's mind by the pictures he took. Every one is skewed and on an extreme angle, nothing is straight.
I think he was looking at sticker price
Last of the RWD? Not hardly. The M-bodies stayed in production until '89.

Just say no to crack, kids.
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