A Sad Moment in PSC History ..,



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
It is with the heaviest of hearts that I announce the passing of PSC's beloved second mascot Martin, my love cat, The Big Man.
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He was born a few months before Hurricane Katrina and was our last cat to be born in Louisiana. He rests now next to his brother Sox.

I hope you understand if your call goes to voice mail today.

It's been a really rough couple of years around here.

Rest in Peace Big Man ......... You will be very sadly missed.
Sorry to hear about Martin. Now you are without your Sox & Martin brothers....

Very sad.

Call if you need to talk.
Aw, man...that sucks. I love cats. My blackie Dillon sends his condolences as well.
Sorry to hear of your mascot passing, We had one of our cats a Siamese pass away after 14 years a little over a month ago. Now the cat that we have left is totally out of sorts with his buddy missing, and my dog is not filling up that gap. (they have never gotten along) was that your only cat?? sometimes it helps to get a different animal to help morn the loss of the one that's not with you anymore..
Leanna, sorry to here about your beloved shop mascot. Our pets become a LARGE part of our lives and we treat them like they are our children. I have a good idea that he knew he was loved by you and Billy. R.I.P. big man, I'm sure you will find a place in the great beyond where you will be loved and taken care of until united with your humans.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Leanna. Pets are always very hard to lose, especially when you've been through so much with them.
My condolences Leanna. We had to have both of our cats put down the other year. It's always tough to say good bye to a loved one.......human or pet.
Pets become family, sorry to hear of your loss.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Leanna. I'm sure there are tons of great memories that will always keep both Sox & Martin with you and Billy.
Hang in there...
Rest in peace, Martin. I think Stubby will be joining you soon in the big litter box in the sky.
Next one has to be named Jake. Sorry for the lost of a friend and a part of the family.
sorry to hear this ......cats are such amazing creatures to have around.
My sympathies. I've lost three and miss them all. I would like to have a buddy, but I'm afraid that age and "poorosity" will strike, and I won't be able to care for 'em.
Sorry to hear of your loss Leanna. I know just how it feels. Last year was a real tough one for us as we lost 2 of our furry little buddies
Dammit , Leanna! My Condolences. Prefer cats, for what they are. (sweet unconditional loving creatures, that don't care about who/what you are...)