AAR Hood



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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I am having problems with a 6 pack bolt on hood. The front and rear seam to fit flush and nice with the fenders, but the middle is raised nearly a 1/4 inch. AAR claims that this should settle down in time and when the sun hits it. I am considering heating for short periods of time at 120 - 140 to see if this will make it lay down in the center. Anyone had this problem? Thanks
If a fiberglass hood was molded with a slight crown to it I AM IMPRESSED !
Someone had their thinking cap on. Or maybe they learned from experience like most do and fielded many complaints of sagging to a 1/4" low in the first year or so. I wouldn't attempt to speed up the settling process.
Just a quick question,and i am sure that you know this before i say it.Have you changed your hood spring to low tension springs, and or removed them? If not this might cause it to be up in the middle.Like i said i am sure that you have already done one of these two things,but never over look the obvious.
Even the low tension springs were a bit to stiff for mt AAR hood.
yes, I have tried it both ways, it is the same with or with out the springs.
Yea I got the same problem with mine but it only sits up 1/8" on the sides when the front and back are perfectly aligned. It's been 2 yrs and hasn't changed but I can live with it.


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If gravity and age doesn't take it down maybe stacking encyclopedias on it will. Fiberglass is sort of like partical board. It will sag if it doesn't have support or corigations. i recently sold a fiberglass reproduction fan should on ebay for 1/2 what I paid for it (didn't fit my radiater). I did straighten its warp during the 6 months it was here by simply stacking a bunch of stuff on top of it.
If gravity and age doesn't take it down maybe stacking encyclopedias on it will. Fiberglass is sort of like partical board. It will sag if it doesn't have support or corigations. i recently sold a fiberglass reproduction fan should on ebay for 1/2 what I paid for it (didn't fit my radiater). I did straighten its warp during the 6 months it was here by simply stacking a bunch of stuff on top of it.

Yea I thought of doing that I just haven't got around to it yet.
My hood has a support rib about 3 inches in from the side, I think this keeps it really rigid. That's why I thought about a bit of heat and then maybe weight it down a bit. I will carefully attempt this and let you know the results. I just want to get it a bit closer. Thanks for the input.