ABodyBetty & Daisy Delilah's, "SHOW TIME"!



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
Starting a thread so we can track Daisy, ABB, me and FABO on this years show circuit.
We wanted a thread with all of the shows here on this thread (same family and car!) that Daisy is entered in this year.

Mood Music,
Hit It!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbXlFjTTqtk"]YouTube - Smoke On The Water Lyrics[/ame]

FABO, Daisy, and I will be going to this first show. ABodyBetty will be staying home due to school work she has to get done.

It's the Smoke On The Water Barbeque Festival & Car & Truck Show, in Dunlapsville IN! This will be the second year for us there, 1st year for Daisy.

The first year we took BOF, but not showing BOF. Was parked in front across the street though. When we were leaving, there were people there looking at her. I walked up unlocked the doors, ABB got in, handed me a screwdriver. I went to pop the hood, hit the relay, fired up, closed hood and left a small crowd standing the snickering LOL! ABB said she was embarassed. I told her it was anti theft system LOL!!:toothy10:

Been raining last night and this morning.
Got Daisy out of the barn and washed the last of the bat crap from her. Not really counting on it staying clean for the show. Wasn't even going untill the last min. I wanted to go, so I went! Loaded the car with ABB's help, got some $ from her too till Mon! LOL! Fuel, then OFF!!!

I took lots of video of the trip up and show. ABB is editing the videos while we read. I have just got done editing the still pics so I'll go ahead and bang out copy, post the pics, let ya check them, then in a bit, we'll post the vids, OK?
The drive was going to take approx 75 min for 55 miles. We left at 11:15 LOL!! Registration ends at 12:30!!! Now we are in a hurry!!:clock:

Stop for fuel on the way out of town. We travel up IN 1, St. Leon, Cedar Grove, Mound Haven, Brookville. Then we run the length from South to North of Brookville Lake. Once we get to Roseburg, quicl left then across causeway on northern tip of the lake. As soon as we cross the Smoke on The Water BBQ fest and car show on Right. It was weird, I had been playing the FM converter through the AM radio, sounded like crap but....
When we were comming across the bridge to the car show, I think my radio was playing Smoke on the Water!!! We'll have to check the vid to be sure. But I'm telling ya if it was playing that song it was way strange!! (The song on the video was actually Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein, I was too excited about the show to really be paying attention to the song while we were entering the gates.)
I even used the wipers without thinking due to all the stuff going on comming in at the last min. Can you hear the lack of wiper bushings? Sounds like the linkage is about to jump out of the dash at you! LOL!!

We made it there by the skin of our teeth. Rained the whole show. Ate BBQ inside of Daisy, no other place dry to sit.

I had spied a Studebaker Champion I had picked out to win the show. It did!!

Went up to a rib joint and ordered the smallest rib order. 3 of them for $5.00. Had to have someone watch me for bout an hour to see if there was a gall bladder problem in the future that I may need the ambulance for! I'm still OK so far.

Check the ice cream shop at the corner. It has a hit miss engine hooked up to 2 ice cream makers! Pretty cool! You can hear the hit/miss across the grounds all the while calling you back to that just churned by hit/miss fresh ice cream, mmmmmmmmmmm ice cream.

Smoke everywhere on the grounds. All the different BBQ scents...MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm. Everytime you walk another 50 feet another wonderful smell hits you! Samples anyone?

Why in the heck does this geezer on this golf cart keep running up my ace???!!!

Didn't even know they had a split the pot drawing. No one came around to push em like usual. When I found out was after judging. It started to blow pretty good so I moved Daisy out from under some dead limbs to a cement pad next to the Dubs. The speaker for the show was next to them and I heard split the pot soon and awards come now, OK!!

I was clapping for all the winners as they came up. When they said 74 Dart, I started walking up. Says my name congrats, shook hand went back. No one clapped!! I was a lone wolf!! The outsider at the show LOL!!
Either that or no one likes Abodies!! Was only 2 Mopar there. Just like last time, we were the only A bodies there. But we represented FABO, Daisy, and ABB and won an award and the split the pot too!! Hey gas money, Thanks!!!:cheers:

Last seg of vid, see the magnetic dash plaque? Hey where did all the chrome, brass, alum, silk screened dash plaques go? There goes another print shop! I guess the new ones are better for the guys who run them. At least they stick on the dash without glue!!

MMMMMMMmmmmmmm BBQ!!!!!!!=P~

Well next weekend is the big shew up in Versailles IN. It is on US 50 west of town at the vo-tech school. Southeastern Career Center. 8th annual show, will be our 3rd time there. ABB and I will be posting live from the show. I will make sure to get a pic of ABB accepting award, crying of course!! LOL!! She won her first 2 years there with BOF. I hope she does well there. It's a really neat show and proceeds go to the "Auto Technicians Of Tomorrow". It will be on Sat 5.7.11, rain date 5.14.
901 West US 50 Versailles IN. PM me if you need more info to get there.
We will be looking foward to meeting a few of you there. If ya can't make it there, we'll just meet ya here on FABO on this thread while we are at the show!! Come on out and mugg for the camera so we can post ya here too!

See YA!:burnout:


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Last few still pics.
Will post video soon!!8)

See Ya next weekend!!:clock:


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Here's part1 of video.
If I'm boring you guys to tears PM me and let me know and I'll quit posting so much coverage after the "live" car show here on FABO next week.8)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs9JlzcP6iA"]YouTube - Daisy and Smoke On The Water Part 1[/ame]

Staye tuned for the rest after some more edit.:clock:
Thanks FABO!:cheers:
Sorry for the delay in the videos. College homework has to come first. I wished I could have been there for Daisy's first car show. I was out of town for three days with no internet in the room. That put me behind on the good old homework. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the videos. By the way thanks John for going to the car show and representing!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuO8ENKscS8"]YouTube - Daisy and Smoke On The Water Part 2[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-uqReTLu-s"]YouTube - Daisy and Smoke On The Water Part 3[/ame]

It's too bad U. T. canned 25% of the video (all of original part 2) due to "a song playing in the background has been recognized as protected product and no royalties have been paid for it's use.

There once was a day when a band would beg to get public air time for free!!!

I want to set the record straight.
Legal Disclaimer inserted here:read2:;
I by no means picked ANY of the songs used in the vids!!! They were being offered to the public on public airwaves and we just happend to catch them with plenty of static, sometimes hearing part of a song sometimes not. FM through a converter then through Am radio all over 30 years old. It wasn't my fault your bands "precious gift to mankind" was compeating with my editorial commentary on the reality of the momement.:happy10:
The song was offered to us as a PUBLIC service and the station paid those royalties already through cash transaction, advertising arangement, package deal of song blocks for use from 1 label or another, or any other scheme they can drum up for money.
I did not overlay songs while looking at the cars either. They were playing them on the parks PA system. I had NOTHING to do with those songs either, JEEZZZZ!!:angry7:

FABO members; if any of the additional vids that have been posted above unexpectedly loose there whole audio feed you'll know what happened.

Rant and disclaimer over!

Looking foward to seeing everyone at the next show on 5.7.11!! ABB will be there and should be fun show with a good turn out.
We will be posting live too, there will be music being played,.... so "they" know where to find me. Come and get me brother, I can use the free hot three a day!!!:toothy10:
Hope to get to meet some of yall there!!:cheers:
Music and cars go together like peanut butter & jelly.
Old rock and roll and cars in the fast lane......yep laws being broke there for generations!! Count me in there too!!!8)
Thanks for the show John!!! Great trip and cars. Even got to see Lex at the beginning! (You too ABB!!). Enjoyed it alot. I guess you'll have to sing to us so you don't have to post any disclaimers!! :rock: Glad you made it home safe. :toothy10::toothy10: Rog
Thank you for brightening my day here John :happy10:
And congratulations on winning the pot!! I love these shows :cheers:

Can you update me on the live FABO car show we here at fabo is having, or did I read that wrong 8)
That is a very nice trophy =P~ never a dull moment with your threads or Betty's :cheers:
Way to go John,glad you were their for A bodies, if it will stop raining for the Sat. May 7 show Olivia and i will come.Can you give me directions how to get to the show.Thanks jetman.


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Looks like a great show...thanks for the pics...we went to Knoxville for a car show over the weekend....we are going to try and make it up to Versallies....
Thanks for the show John!!! Great trip and cars. Even got to see Lex at the beginning! (You too ABB!!). Enjoyed it alot. I guess you'll have to sing to us so you don't have to post any disclaimers!! :rock: Glad you made it home safe. :toothy10::toothy10: Rog

Yeah, I had to edit that last post a little. I had a lot of Big corporate greed and all, but went back and took it out. Supposed to be fun here, not always a bummer everytime I try to entertain other people like me who have a love and passion for cars and music, only then to get slapped down by whoever at UT.
How many jerks do they have sitting around watching mine and everyone elses vids just to see if they recorded music on the radio for a certain band but the rest of the radio songs OK????!!
It won't be the first time I had to represent myself in court and won!!
Whatever, on to the shows!!! NOT SKEERED!!!:tongue1:
Believe me popdart you DO NOT want to hear me sing! I'm sure if I keep doing driving vids some sad day in the future you and the rest of FABO may get a taste of that sing voice when I forget about the cam and start singing in the car, as usual!!:-D
Thank you for brightening my day here John :happy10:
And congratulations on winning the pot!! I love these shows :cheers:

Can you update me on the live FABO car show we here at fabo is having, or did I read that wrong 8)
That is a very nice trophy =P~ never a dull moment with your threads or Betty's :cheers:

Hey Memike!
Well It's not live as in actual live web feed but it will be as live as we can get at that location. We will be posting (here on this thread)still pics almost as soon as we get them right there at the show.

We will have digital still cam and digital video with 2 laptops too. We will post still pics taken of FABO members who show up and say hi. The videos we will try to post soon after filming but they take time and may not be done until we get back but we will be trying to post the videos too.

Both ABB and I will be posting at the same time each with own digital still cam and laptop. Then we share the video cam.

Not to worry, I will be sure this year to capture ABB accepting her award (probibly crying like in the past) like she was winning miss America! LOL! I'll be standing there with the digital cam recording so you guys can have as much fun as me there!!

FABO; also, sorry for shakey vids at the show, I was holding the vid cam recording, camera bag over shoulder, it's raining, and I'm holding an umbrella too all at the same time. I'm supprised I didn't trip and fall LOL!

So Memike, if your in the area of Versailles IN on 5.7.11 stop in and say hi. If ya can't make it, your invited here to this thread to post a pic of your car taken the morning of the show and post it here like your at the show.
So is the rest of FABO invited too
It's sorta like a virtual FABO show, with live FABO members at the actual show, but also having live that mornings pics of other members cars here too. Remember, no fair posting pic you already have! You got to take it that morning!! LOL

I had a call confirming one member there all ready, may be a second, plus the ones who have interest here. Maybe we can get 4-6 of us in one place!8)
Way to go John,glad you were their for A bodies, if it will stop raining for the Sat. May 7 show Olivia and i will come.Can you give me directions how to get to the show.Thanks jetman.

Hey Jetman!!
Hope to see Olivia and you out at the show! Might as well give ABB and Daisy some competition!!

Directions; From Lawrenceburg, IN take US route 50 West through Aurora, Dillsboro, Elrod, then into Versailles IN. Traffic Light at intersection of 50 and 421, keep going straight through light, STAY ON US 50!

Will be just out of town bout 1/2 to a mile past that intersection on left.
901 West US Hwy 50, Versailles IN 47042.
Sat 5.7.11
Rain Date; 5.14.7 (last year got moved to rain date)
Call or PM me before show for current show status due to weather,
I have a phone number for last min status of show.
OR members can PM me for that phone number contact or a contact email address at the location of the show.
Registration opens at 9AM.:clock:

Hope to see you there and be prepared to get mug shot for FABO!!:-D
Looks like a great show...thanks for the pics...we went to Knoxville for a car show over the weekend....we are going to try and make it up to Versallies....

Hope to meet you there!!
You can't miss us!
ABB will have on correct circa attire. (Actual outfits from the 70's woo woo!!)
I'll be the unapproachable looking Ahole with the hat and shades on!8)


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My outfit for the car show and the hair. I am woman though and everything is subject to change at the drop of a hat. :bootysha::bootysha::bootysha:


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Looks like it was more water than smoke. What's with all the rain this year?:angry1: Oh well, looks like you had fun anyway. That's what really counts.
My outfit for the car show and the hair. I am woman though and everything is subject to change at the drop of a hat. :bootysha::bootysha::bootysha:
Looks like a winner to me! You and Daisy are sure to win some awards this year. Good luck and have fun!
Keep these threads going please. They sure do make me feel better. Glad to see Daisy won a trophy. Y'all keep this up and I will defect from the South. :prayer:
The first Thursday every month now starting tonight!!
City of Aurora IN Cruise In/River City Classics
corner of US 50, St. Rt. 350 and st. rt. 56.
Awards, DJ, No registration fee!:cheers:

Today is prep day for Daisy's show on Sat.
After prep is done, Daisy will be at the cruse in tonight!!8)

Even though Daisy was first purchased in 74 in this town, alot of people haven't seen her yet. Alot of the local car guys have heard of her but not seen her! She has been mainly in storage with only being driven round a couple of blocks or so a couple of times a year for the past 20 years or so. (Approx 32K original miles, she still is totally original even sporting her MOPAR heater hoses to boot! Nothing has been replaced)
Rest of time she has been under cloth cover inside garage!!:love7:

It will be a getting to know Daisy night. Just a taste though, we don't want to wear her out B4 Sat show! LOL!!

BEEEEEeeee THARRRRrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Here is the first cruise in for the year in our little town. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Disclaimer: A non-professional videotaped the movie below. Not responsible for poor videography and commentary. Red neck dialect is observable by the videographer. Please be nice if you critique the video. :-D:toothy10::-D:toothy10:

It seems I forgot I had the video on and taped the pavement a little bit. Oh well, I can't seem to figure out how to cut and edit my videos. Going to have to play around with it a little bit more.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb0RAsASexw"]YouTube - Daisy Delilah May 2011 River City Classic Cruise-In[/ame]
Some pics!8)

1st day it hadn't rained in 3 weeks!!


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