ABodyBetty & Daisy Delilah's, "SHOW TIME"!

Last few pics...

See yall here on Sat 5.7.11!!8)

Hey ABB, I got dibbs on the video camera at this weekends show!

Get a load of that Chebby shot in the 3rd plate of this post. That's a pretty good pic! It had sun comming from around the top of a building across street and only shining on small area of car. Stopped me in my tracks with that Burgundy shade and all. That would make a good stock image for business card background or something......just sayin!


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Sweet, keep them coming. Have a great summer!
Just awesome!!! Morning coffee :coffee2: and great video and pics (even a pic of Lex!), what a great start to a day!! Great job Anna and John . . . you are a lot of fun!! :cheers: Rog
Status for tomorrows BIG SHEW is that it's:clock:


Right now they are planning for having the show in the morning!

They told me however, if there is a doubt in the AM to call a phone number and there will be a recording of current show status on that line.

I will need members who want to go or are interested in going to PM me today and let me know. I will then respond with the phone number for you to check in the AM if you have to. The recording won't be on untill 7:30 Am or so and ABB and I will already be gone having breakfast on the way to the show. We are usually one of first 5 or so to show up. It's close enough for us, if we show and it's pushed till next week no big deal, we drive back to the house, it's only 15 miles for us.

PM me if you have interest in going. I will try to back track this thread and the other one (My dumb old ace created with out looking) for members who already expressed interest and send them the number. If I forget someone, I'm sorry, just PM me by tonight, I'll send you the phone number.

See yall there!8)
I sent PM's with the contact status phone number for 7:30 or after in the morning to the following members; (in no paticular order! LOL)
Dr. Dart & ABodyGranny (Fern's new Mom and Dad)
Yard Dawg

If anyone else wants the current status contact phone number for in the morning 7:30AM or after (recording on by then), PM me and let me know.

Hope to see yall there!!
Way to go John,glad you were their for A bodies, if it will stop raining for the Sat. May 7 show Olivia and i will come.Can you give me directions how to get to the show.Thanks jetman.

Sent ya a PM!!
See ya at the show!:cheers:
Looks like a great show...thanks for the pics...we went to Knoxville for a car show over the weekend....we are going to try and make it up to Versallies....

Sent ya a PM!
See ya there!:cheers:
Mood music,

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leohcvmf8kM"]YouTube - The B52's - Love Shack[/ame]

I will need members who want to go or are interested in going to PM me today and let me know. I will then respond with the phone number for you to check in the AM if you have to. The recording won't be on untill 7:30 AM EST or so and ABB and I will already be gone having breakfast on the way to the show.

Hop in my Chrysler it's as big as a WHALE,
and it's about to set sail!:cheers:
I got me this car and it seats about 20, so come on,
and bring your juke box money!!!
Wearin next to nothin'
The whole shack shimmies
Everybodys movin'
Everybodies groovin' baby....:toothy10:

Folks (from FABO) lining up, just to get down!!! ( and have their pic taken and posted here live tomorrow!!)
Bang bang bang on the door baby....

1 more for the road!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDZy6-fMCw4"]YouTube - The B52's - Rock Lobster[/ame]

Be there or be square!
See you guys at the show!8)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJzuqZEbFHQ"]YouTube - The B-52's - Roam[Official Music Video][/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fciaNuDY6uw"]YouTube - The B-52's - Hot Pants Explosion[/ame]

We gone, bye bye!!:cheers:
Mood music,

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDeHAM93fuc"]YouTube - The Pretenders - Middle Of The Road[/ame]

It's now in the record books! LOL!
Chilly, threat of rain, and it did too!
Ended Early.
We couldn't "Live Post" due to the school put in new system and IT did not permit us to hot spot this year so no net there! Bummer!
We got plenty of pics here for you, followed by the video of awards.
340dart.812 and his new wife showed up just in time to get judged! Good thing too, on the video you will see him get his "Top 35" award right before ABB. Abb got the "Show and Shine Special Recognition Plaque" (only gave out 1 of those) She was very excited. I think she really had a good time today. Man can she work a crowd or what? She's pointing out people to me, "Oh that's so & so and they have that such and such car we saw 2 years ago at yadayada. Man what a memory on that woman!! Me? I knda just low key it everywhere with a camera in front of my face!!
Everyone always says Hi to her and remembers her from previous years. They never recognize me! LOL!! (not pretty enough LOL)
Not as many cars this year but boy did the quality go up!! Most of the cars were cleant to the tenth level. Ours? NOT!! I was lazy this year and only spen 1 day on the car for prep. Plus alot of these guys have had their cars for years. You can get em pretty clean after owning that long!! LOL!
A FABO member showed up today! 340dart.812 showed up with his new wife. Last 2 still pics are of them showing up 4 cars before they got judged! Man his car is a total screamer!! When we left there ABB and I saw his burn out marks, both sides about 75 feet long till he ran out of blacktop and had to make a turn! Those marks will be in the school parking for a while! LOL!!
Had a lot more Mopars this year and had a bumper crop of A Bodies too. I did meet a new prospect member (Blue and white Dart) Nice guy who never heard of the website. Looking foward to seeing him here soon!
Handed out flyers for my Junk Car Business and handed out brochures for my sponsor "Great Crescent Brewery, Aurora IN" They even were making anouncements and I heard an advertisement come over the PA. Must have gotten ahold of 1 of my flyers, COOL!!
Our Door prise we won was a $50.00 gift card for an upper end local eatery! I am so excited. We never get to go out, usually opting for our funds to go to car shows, so it will be nice for just us 2 to be able to got out and have a nice sit down dinner someplace better than McD's!
Well, thats all I got for now, maybe ABB or you guys will chime in later!
On with the still pics (Be patient got about 60 for ya!):glasses7:


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Mood diddy

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHngF_b3NuE"]YouTube - Bangles-Walk Like an Egyptian[/ame]

More pics!


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You know what to do...
Hit It!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiCwIPGkTy4&feature=related"]YouTube - The GO-GOs - We Got The Beat[/ame]

More pics!


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Ah one
anda 2

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OULlWNCqDQ&feature=related"]YouTube - Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed (Extended 12" Version) (Music Video)[/ame]

More pics!


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One more!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkrMnu9k4-A&feature=related"]YouTube - Spongebob We Will Rock You[/ame]

More pics!


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Last few pics and our video if it don't flake out!!

Hit it!
One more time!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7Hy7uAb_eU"]YouTube - "Brass in Pocket" - **The Pretenders**[/ame]


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What a day!!! I couldn't get all them old men to quit flirting with me. LOL!!! There were so many great cars there at the show. The quality was the best I had seen at this show. I never dreamed I would have walked away with a top 35 trophy. The Show and Shine award didn't even enter my mind. I am very proud of my plaque and of Daisy. Also thanks to 64dart170 who helped in getting her ready for the show. (XXX000)


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Congrats ABB!!! You have a sweet ride there in Miss Daisy. :thumblef: Great show and you both covered it perfectly! Glad you two are having fun! :cheers: Rog
Sorry we missed the show..... family issues kept us away.......
Congratulations on Daisy Delilah's first trophy, and Happy Mothers Day ABB!
Good show! Congratulations on winning the trophy and door prize. I know there will be many more trophies to come. Thanks for posting the pix!