About popular YouTube videos.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
@Princess Valiant

Awhile back when the subject of Youtube channels came up I tried to contact you via PM but had a bit of a tough time getting past your inbox being full.

Being that you started a channel and it is winter, I wanted to tell you that by far my most popular video was disassembling and reassembling a Mopar electronic distributor on my kitchen table.
It has somewhere in the neighborhood of 35k views where all the others have a few hundred.
Point is, you don’t need to be out in the cold or getting dirty to produce some popular videos based around vehicles.
A starter, carb or heater box could all be candidates and done indoors where it’s warm.
Take them apart, explain what the pieces do and put it back together possibly explaining any pitfalls of the job.

On a different note, I use IMovie for Iphone for editing and it’s very simple and effective
If you don’t use an Iphone there are others that are similar for the Android OS.

Also that distributor video was done entirely with my phone, though I do have a GoPro 8.
Doing video with the phone and then editing with Imovie skipped the whole transfer process from the GoPro.
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