just DA the epoxy with 80 untill there is no "shine" or just go to bare metal. then do ur filler work ,and get it really close. then pray ur first set (3) coats of high build primer. 80 that on a long block untill u get back down to filler and metal. apply filler to the low spots. then spray another 3 coats of high build primer. just sand till the color change. if there are no low spots and u havn't sanded thru to metal, spray guide coat onto the entire area. start to 120,again on a long block till all the guide coat has been sanded off. if it looks good and straight then again spray i think it was 1 or 2 coat of primer. then wet sand with 360. again guide coat and wet sand with 400. paint it and then start color sanding... 800,1200,1500,2K,3K, all wet