AC Came Today



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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Some time in the next day or so I will hook it all up on the table and test everything like they recommend.
Then the fun begins.
I’ll start with the compressor, evaporator /dryer and lower pulley install.

I will take pics and also video, but doubt it will cover every little step.
Instead of modding the slider controls and cables to the original controls I opted for the three knobs, eliminating the slide controls and cables completely.
I will remove the OE controls completely andmake a panel that covers the original opening and install the knob controllers on that with a carbon fiber background to match my dash pad area, door panels and gauge pod.
OE has never been the theme on this car.
So from left to right, do I want on/off and speed, then floor/vents/defrost selection,
then temp control?
Or on/off, then temp, then floor vents and defrost?
Decisions decisions. :D




That’s Cool!!! Well it will be when you’re done. I wish I would have done the knobs
That’s Cool!!! Well it will be when you’re done. I wish I would have done the knobs

I didn’t even know the knobs were an option until they told me it was when I conveyed my dislike about the sliders and control cables.
looking forward to the write up!

from a personal standpoint i like L to R: [on/off & fan control][temp][zone]
looking forward to the write up!

from a personal standpoint i like L to R: [on/off & fan control][temp][zone]

I’m leaning toward on/off, zone then temp.
We’ll see though, as I have plenty of time to think about it.
It can be changed fairly easily later if need be.
I’m glad to see that the compressor does not involve anything more than the crank pulley the compressor and the idler.
The way they did the crank pulley it only uses three of the lower pulley bolts.
You take out every other bolt and add the AC pulley.
Heck, you don’t even so much as loosen the other belts to install the pulley and pump.
The kit comes with longer bolts to add the pulley.
Blue loctite will be used on a lot of this install.

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I think you might be avoiding the headaches that a bunch of us had with the set up that they offer that has AC, Alt and crank on one belt (uses factory AC crank pulley). Not enough belt wrap on the AC pulley and boy does that squeal!!! I fixed it to use 2 belts but boy was it a hassle.
I've never been a fan of the carbon fiber thing, but I must admit, it does look clean and I think choosing that will compliment the rest of your interior.
I've never been a fan of the carbon fiber thing, but I must admit, it does look clean and I think choosing that will compliment the rest of your interior.

Now my head is wrapped up in making the panel for the knobs backlit with led lighting since there is a light there already for the old controls.
Another thing to consider is tinting the windows. Sun shining through untinted glass will over whelm the A/C.