Acid reflux?

Just don't wait too long to see a Rx. I tried living with, and treating, the problem myself and ended up with Barrett's esophagus. I'm on Nexium for life now with the threat of cancer hanging over me. Heartburn can morph the tissue in your esophagus and cause cancer if it isn't treated. -pauly
I take omeprazole every day . I eat at least 3 hours before I plan on going to bed . Get comfortable laying on my back , til I'm ready to sleep , then roll to my right side . It seems to work well for me most of the time . Unless I've had a real hard time with my 'tard bosses that night .
As others have said, definately get some diagnostics, treatment, and be ready to change your diet.

My Mom had this in a serious way to her death. It severely curtailed her activities in her last years. She was in her 80's
You already know stress is a big thing with it rob . I can help you with that nameless member . Call your phone provider and tell them you would like to block his number . (stress gone ) . 2 I hadit really really bad when i was in school (years ago ) lol The doc put me on some kinda pills . Started with a P . I caint remember the name (sorry) . good luck my friend
Pauly is correct, you don't want to wait too long before seeing your doctor. Severe untreated reflux is a leading cause of esophageal took my father.
If it bothers you during the day a great natural remedy is almonds. Besides being very good for you, raw or roasted without the salt and chemical smoke neutralizes stomach acid. I've been eating them for a few years and am thrilled at how well they work.
Thanks yall. I really appreciate the ideas. It is STILL hurting badly after all day long.
The aspirin may contribute to the problem. NSAIDs may cause stomach bleeding, on the label.

I find chamomile tea works wonders, near instant relief. Try to get the raw herb, and use the strainer method to make the tea.
I got sick and tired of taking medication for acid reflux and became a vegetarian over a year ago. No more acid reflux and no medication needed.
The aspirin may contribute to the problem. NSAIDs may cause stomach bleeding, on the label..

And so might any other drugs you are taking.

I damn near killed myself several years ago. I had NO warning, NO stomach upset, no NOTHING

This was Friday before Christmas, I'd been "pushin" because of snow, and had felt good had a good day.

I'd had a big lunch out with friends and wasn't much hungry for Supper, so I had 1/2 can of 'mato soup and a little sandwich

Around 9PM I started to feel a little rumbly and thought "I'll be up later." By bedtime I felt more queasy, but got to sleep

Around 1AM I got up, barfed, and was out of my head with weakness. Like being hypothermic, I could not think straight. I convinced myself I was barfing up tomato soup even though it was BLOOD

Spent some time of the early morning passed out on the bathroom floor, and literally crawled into the tub in the morning. Still incredibly weak aroud 8:30AM I finally called 911 and they came and hauled me away ha ha ho ho hee hee

When I came home 2 days later the bathroom looked like someone had been murdered in there.

Joke is they stuffed a camera down my throat and it came out my a$$

Verdict? My arthritis meds + over the counter Aleve. I can't take either anymore and take Prilosec/ Omneprezle real regular nowadays.
My best friend had GIRD a few years ago.

According to him the "OTC" version of the drugs he got didn't do squat compared to the scrips.
And so might any other drugs you are taking.

I damn near killed myself several years ago. I had NO warning, NO stomach upset, no NOTHING

This was Friday before Christmas, I'd been "pushin" because of snow, and had felt good had a good day.

I'd had a big lunch out with friends and wasn't much hungry for Supper, so I had 1/2 can of 'mato soup and a little sandwich

Around 9PM I started to feel a little rumbly and thought "I'll be up later." By bedtime I felt more queasy, but got to sleep

Around 1AM I got up, barfed, and was out of my head with weakness. Like being hypothermic, I could not think straight. I convinced myself I was barfing up tomato soup even though it was BLOOD

Spent some time of the early morning passed out on the bathroom floor, and literally crawled into the tub in the morning. Still incredibly weak aroud 8:30AM I finally called 911 and they came and hauled me away ha ha ho ho hee hee

When I came home 2 days later the bathroom looked like someone had been murdered in there.

Joke is they stuffed a camera down my throat and it came out my a$$

Verdict? My arthritis meds + over the counter Aleve. I can't take either anymore and take Prilosec/ Omneprezle real regular nowadays.

Holy Crap! Which Arthritis medication were you taking? My girlfriend is taking "Mobic" for Arthritis.
Don't remember. There are many otherwise effective ones that are now "off my list."

The think the big big point I was trying to make is that you don't always have a warning. I felt great up to about 7PM the night of the "crash."
Here's a solution. I didn't know that my acid reflux was diet and weight related. I changed my diet a lot since my daughter was born at the beginning of the year. I stopped eating fatty foods (except once a week), not much alcohol, cut down on red meat, cut my sugar intake.... started exercising.

Two months into this, I dropped 20lbs (still 30lbs overweight), but what I noticed after that was that I'd forget to take the Prilosec and I'd get no acid reflux attacks. That nasty *** lump at the back of my throat that I thought was a ball of cancer or something and the thumping heart beat... both went away. I don't have shortness of breath either... its been very nice.
Rob I know exactly what you are talking about when your are dead asleep and that crap comes up and chokes you. This is a scary feeling that's for damn sure. Be careful with the asprin as hard on the stomach. Stress brings mine on the worst.I am on Nexium and does alright. Cut down on caffine and eating less than 3 hours before bed. I have been told try to raise head with two pillows but with my screwed up neck that won't work. Hope things improve for you.
I am not a doctor but I will tell you what worked for me. I lost 45 lbs, eat small meals, cut WAY back on Coke. I haven't used tablet in 5-6 years. I was popping one a night. What we eat and the way we live are large factors in our health. Hope you get it under control.
Holy Crap! Which Arthritis medication were you taking? My girlfriend is taking "Mobic" for Arthritis.

I used to take Mobic. I started giving me an upset stomach on a regular basis.
yep lose weight...whatch what you eat...those darn Margaritas do it for me. Too much acid. Whenever I'm up 20 lbs it's always worse. or sleep setting up. :)
Same issue, GERD. I exercised and lost weight. That helped a lot! But since then I have stopped exercising and the weight has come back along with the heartburn. I did eat the Pepcid Complete chewable tablets, but those ain't cheap. I found a generic called lansoprazole. Take one everyday in the morning. They help out a lot. On the rough nights I will pop a Pepcid chewable, but those are very few and very far in between. I know that the taste of the acid is not a nice thing. Seems like the taste just won't go away no matter how much you drink. Good luck!! Here is a link for what I take. Sounds maybe like generic nexium? Don't quote me, read and make your own decision.
I found out that I have LPR. That type you don't even know that you have.
Have you controlled your diet?
Have you stopped eating late, before bed?
Two obvious things that I was doing all wrong.
No meds since then.
So, Rob, when you say "I threw up in my mouth, a little", you really did, eh? eew!

I may have health problems, but my hands and arms are as STRONG as they ever were. I'm gonna choke you to death.