Actual letter to the Canadian Passport office

I guess the war of 1812 might be a little obscure , but as for the Somali fiasco we went in they tried the same crap with us that they got away with with you [ie Blackhawk Down "] but we killed them instead so the UN with the backing of your government said we were too brutal so our government disbanded our airbourne regiments , as for the queen when she asks a question we answer sure - the answer just happens to be no most of the time , If you like a little more history well it was the Canadians who stayed behind and faced down the whole German army at Dunkirk { we fought till the beaches were empty and we had no more ammo } it was the Canadians who took the Northern most beaches on DDay and were 20 miles inland by noon as opposed to your boys who spent all day hunkered down in the sand till we over ran the Jerries from there flank { the ruse was that the attack was coming in the North so the Germans had shifted their forces that way , we hit the most heavily defended beaches ,1 in 3 died but we sealed the coast roadway so they could not bring reinforcements down to stop the attack and sent units South to outflank the German defense positions all while you and the brits in the middle were getting a tan I suppose , it was also 1000 Canadians who were surrounded during the Battle of the Bulge for 2 weeks no resupply no food over 1000 men walked into the town 90 or so walked out but the Germans were beaten and the war was just a mop up exercise after that {Hollywood made a movie but said it was your airborne go figure } . If you want more there Vimy Ridge and Paschendaele { not sure on this spelling but theres a great movie about this real battle } from ww1 any time you want to learn about real military history read the books of the defeated generals they don't have anything to beat their chest about and just want to tell what they had to go through - keep your stick on the ice eh!
Revisionist history? Either way, you ruined this thread jacka$$. I think, regardless of who you think were the real heros (imo, ALL the men that fought for the Allies), that your comments about the US soldiers getting a tan is really disrespectful. i'm not even going to justify your stupid comments with an argument - you're obvously a 16 year old, immature jacka$$, that just took his first social studies class - or at least you have that mentality.

Why is it that 99% of us can take a little ribbing from the other side and laugh it off, but the other 1% have to be total d-bags and get defensive and insulting?
Lol - no, born and raised in PA - I just watch a lot of Hockey, and I spent my childhood years watching "you can't do that on television." I'm pretty sure that's all there is to know about the country and its culture...

Before anybody gets mad - I'm kidding. The thought of John Candy being dead brings a tear to my eye still to this day - not to mention Some of the hottest chicks come from up north - can you say Evangeline Lilly or Elisha Cuthbert?8)

Don't forget Shania Twain. We find these women only average. The real good lookers are home keeping us warm.
Don't forget Shania Twain. We find these women only average. The real good lookers are home keeping us warm.
Well, I could go on and on about all the good-looking canadian girls that I would love to "meet," but I'll just leave you with this:


More like:


For sure, ya hed spoiled milk in yer flakes this mornin, eh?
This organ-i-zation is inspired by yer cumments - For sure, our taup prioritee taday will be gettin you, yer faal mooth, and yer at-tee-tude right oot of this, here, countree - Ehhh-s-ehhh-p! Rest assurrd that a fuw fone calls will gaurentee a cold day in hell befor ya get back in, ya hoser.

That's funny!
My apologies to the thread this conversation should have been moved elsewhere
and I was wrong and have sent danmc77 a pm saying the same thing
That's good! But I thought it was all in fun. couldn't see anybody taking that personally. Oh well, water under the bridge now. LOL Mike