Adopt a Dog!

we have three dogs and three cat that we have found or adopt . thats then only way we get or pets or as i call them my best friends..


Catch that Dobie for me yet Ramcharger? lol

Still keeping my eyes open on that one. :D That neighbor just got their truck booted this morning. I don't know if youv'e ever heard of the Denver Boot, but it's a *****. I'd get a picture if it didn't look like I was gloating, lol.

Hey ram charger i do it for the love of animals but you know that.ok i have also adopted thing like baby squirrels.

Ok the first few pics are of pockets the squirrel she was raised from about 2 weeks old and lived as a tame but released to the wild squirrel she lived in my garage and came and went as she pleased.When she had babies she trusted me enough to let me hold he week old babies in my hand while she sat on my wrist.I think those pics were lost to hard drive failure.The last pic is of some of the pack all laying on each other with foster pup Squeak laying in the mix.

More great pics! Thanks Arco440!

I did, and a pregnant cat, too. lol It was, and still is a great time. :thumbup:

You Rock! :cheers:
We adopted a dog from our local pound years 9 ago my boys wanted a puppy so we went looking and found Kahlua she is a Louisianna catahoula leapard dog,she was turned in by a homeless couple along with her sister and the mother [mom had to be put down too sick to save] we wanted to adopt both of them but her sister had been adopted an hour before we arrived. She got sick about 8 mounths after we got her [almost died] finally a animal hospital in our area whom has specialists found she had addisons disease,she requires steroid injections every 7 weeks [175.00$ every time] and pills every other day [14$ a bottle] all total i have a ton of money in this dog but i promised her that i would take care of her as long as possible.This dog is our best friend and very protective of me personally we are aware that this breed has it's share of problems and that sooner or later her time will come and we will be saddened by her passing but she will never be forgotten.We have a deep love for dogs always have, don't care for cats [they are ok but don't want them in my house] we have plenty around our house [neibors are cat nuts] i'm really over them.


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We adopted a dog from our local pound years 9 ago my boys wanted a puppy so we went looking and found Kahlua she is a Louisianna catahoula leapard dog,she was turned in by a homeless couple along with her sister and the mother [mom had to be put down too sick to save] we wanted to adopt both of them but her sister had been adopted an hour before we arrived. She got sick about 8 mounths after we got her [almost died] finally a animal hospital in our area whom has specialists found she had addisons disease,she requires steroid injections every 7 weeks [175.00$ every time] and pills every other day [14$ a bottle] all total i have a ton of money in this dog but i promised her that i would take care of her as long as possible.This dog is our best friend and very protective of me personally we are aware that this breed has it's share of problems and that sooner or later her time will come and we will be saddened by her passing but she will never be forgotten.We have a deep love for dogs always have, don't care for cats [they are ok but don't want them in my house] we have plenty around our house [neibors are cat nuts] i'm really over them.

Rockin' cool Lou! If the color of their coats were changed, your catahoula my Merlin the mutt look a lot alike! What a great girl you have there. :cheers: Like you, I'm a dog dude.

More adoption stories please! :happy1:
we have three dogs and three cat that we have found or adopt . thats then only way we get or pets or as i call them my best friends..
my friends Big Al. Chic, Snoop Dog.. Sophie


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As for adopting dogs and cats ...they seem to adopt us....
My wife has been buying Christmas gifts for our shelter here in Posey Co. every time we go out Christmas shopping, collars, blankets, leashes, food, ect.
We have enough cats I don't try to count, all the ones we have in the beginning were fixed, but somebody dropped one off and somebody brought one home one just showed up and before we knew it ....KITTENS !!!
We have 3 horses, two of them are about 22-25 years old and one is about 18. she just lost one that we had for 25 years,he was about 28 years old, that was hard.

We have 6 dogs, none of which we intentionally went out and got. One was a puppy found on the side of the road with mange so bad it was about dead, one was a gift to someone from someone else that didn't want it so we took it, all the dogs are spayed and neutered except one.... just recently a old boxer showed up at our house, we fed him, called the shelter, news papers, looked for lost dog post, not sure what his story is but when the shelter finally called ( he was on vacation ) I just told them we will keep him here until somebody called, I think he has a new home though. Here is a pic of Homer ...the boxer, he can sit, speak, lay down, minds excellent when you call him, loves to ride in the car or truck, gets excited when you ask him if he wants to go for a ride. Like I said, I don't know his story, but somebody spent a lot of time with him.


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The policy in Nova Scotia is that all adopted animals must be neutered. The adpopter picks up that cost.

This has been an amazing thread and all your pets now have a much better life :) ..that is what we are for..
