Advice. What brand desktop?

Anything you can do on a pc you can do on a Mac...
If you wanna run Windows (although why would you)you can. Just use Macs Bootcamp.
See if you can run Safari on a pc ... GL
I also hear Windows runs better on a Mac... go figure
Also no need for an Anti virus save $50-75 a year there alone.
No more installing software ----searching for drivers Windows needs to reboot lol
No more BLUE screen
No more Removing software and its components --- Windows need to restart.
On a Mac just drag the program to the trash and poof its deleted.
No more security updates every 2nd day.
Updates come sometime 1-2 a month on a mac and rarely need restarts.
I was shocked when i installed my printer for the first time...Hmmm its not searching for drivers or asking me for drivers. IT WAS JUST THERE blew me away even an image if the printer i use was there.
Plus the instant on is amazing finally the Computer is on before the coffee is made.
Personally ive had PCs for 20 years and have never had one work as smooth as this Mac. Took about a month to ajust to the chance over but after that its simple. I do have a Laptop with Vista and now despise using it. Just bought an Ipad...Same thing its amazing too
BUT thats just my opinion
MAC! The last time I had a windows machine it was Windows 98. I have had two Imacs and will never go back. It will run windows if you want-it never freezes-very good(great) with movies. No worries about a virus and I could go on and on.
your old comp is a pretty good one, I would just replace the hard drive and while your at it max out the memory, RAM,

the hard drive is the weak link in any computer, it is not a matter of "IF" it will go bad but of "WHEN"

think of the hard drive as a replaceable part like a starter or alternator and just about as easy if not easier to do

and the biggest bang for the buck to ANY computer is increasing the RAM memory
(think of adding RAM as adding headers, cam, intake and 4bbl carb to a stock 2bbl motor)

if your computer came with factory install disks (one or tho CD's with all the original software) you are set, just use them to return your computer to it's as-new configuration

if you dont have those disks anymore or yours never came with them, no problem just buy a new copy of windows, the same as would come with a new computer, and now you will have the disks if or when your new hard drive bites the dust
X2 I worked for a custom built shop for 10 years and wouldn't do it any other way.

I JUST built myself a new machine, and I couldnt agree more.

Now, I tend to go high end so to extend the time before it becomes obsolete. SO I built my computer with an i7-2600k intel processor, 8g ram and most importantly, 2 hard drives. First is an SSD, which all the programs sit on and run from, then a traditional hard drive for all the data. What this configuration does is make everything lightning fast.

I bought all the parts from NewEgg - But you can buy prebuilt computers there too. Check it out.
I use mac, have Windows installed too in case I need it (some engineering programs I need for school are PC-only). Honestly I'm comfortable using either as long as it's fast, but I have gotten used to some of the little things in the mac OS that I use a lot.

From all my computer-savvy friends I would also say custom-built is the way to go for a PC.