Aftermarket wiring kits...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Who makes a good one? What one to avoid? Would prefer one with the ends still loose. Going to start screwing around with our Dart, funds permitting. Looking for a basic harness, one that I will be able to tie the harness from a modern, from this century, motor/trans ECU to...
I have seen a few threads from folks who have used a few different companies but can't seem to find the threads...
I'm using an American Autowire Power Plus 20 kit. Pretty much the same as the Highway 22 kit. Great wire and such, however none of the black ground wire comes with the kit. The kit alone is around $400-500 depending on number of circuits and such. Then plan to drop another 400-500+ for extra's. Extra wire, clips, weatherpak connectors, all kinds of stuff.

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If your buying wire, look up the Wire Barn. Buy only TXL or GXL wire. Both are super great and won't get stiff and break like PVC covered wire will.

I used these guys years ago - Home - their kit took the fear factor out of it for me.. good stuff. Straight forward and easy to use.
I used coach controls. Relays built into panel. Very universal, but I've been happy with it.....especially the huge laminated instructions they provide.