Again.....or is it still?????



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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The wife had another "one of those days". Mother f...king Lupus. She started the year in tears because of how miserable she felt. Since then she might have had 3 good days. Takes more drugs than you can shake a stick at. She is battling 2 different sets of side effects from the drugs, or so they think. They are weaning her off 1 med at a time trying to figure out what is the cause of the side effects. So far no luck, she spent the past few days, when we have been home, huddled under a blanket half asleep. Terrified of what is down the road health wise. How do you not think about it? Couple it with my tendencies to dwell on stuff and the future looks like a freaking nightmare. To those who I might have offended lately I do apologize. Sorry for the rant........
I know how it feels to have a wife with health and meds issues. I wish there was something I could do to help you. Gotta fight through it and try to keep things to look forward to.
hang in there
hopefully they will get the side effects under control ASAP
then things should improve a bit
things will get better for your wife and you i hope...just stay focused and care for 1 another cause some dont have that and are alone with the problems...mike
Sorry to hear, Ink. My Dad had Lupis, and severe hypertension. The combo of both shortened his life by years. He was only 71 when he died of a massive rupture of his Aorta. At least I got to see him the night before he died.

I don't know why "modern science" cannot find the cure for some of this stuff.
I have a friend who has Lupis. He has had some health problems himself. He had a stroke a year ago (2nd one), luckily the guy he was with recognized it and got him help quickly. Then they found a hole in his heart. He went in for surgery and was released the same day. He is almost recovered from the stroke, just working on getting his leg and arm going through physical therapy. He is only 42, I've known him since he was 4. Luckily he is pulling through.

I hope your wife does also.
It's tough to see the one you love in pain. All you can do is stay positive and be encouraging around her. Don't give her a reason to worry about you. Remember there will be good times again. I bet Ernie will feel much better when the grandson comes.
I feel for ya bud. I read this;
although with recent medical advances, fatalities are becoming increasingly rare. Survival for people with SLE in the United States, Canada, and Europe has risen to approximately 95% at five years, 90% at 10 years, and 78% at 20 years
Oh dear...When I think of you and her,I see the happy,laughing couple at the table in Huckleberries where we all had lunch after my enormously f')$cked up morning..

Tell her I wish her all the best. You and her are in my thought's and prayer's..
Sorry to hear Doug, I hope they can figure out what's causing the problems. Prayers on the way.
Ink man i know what ur going though . one of my famliy is going though some thing like this prays are with u both
I know my type 1 diabetes doesn't hold a candle to lupus but I know what you mean about "one of those days"
Wishing you and her better days!
Don't sweat it. We all have a bag of rocks. Sometimes they get heavy. Prayin for yall here.
Thoughts and prayers coming your family's way from me.
My mother was struck down by Lupus at 49, before there was any treatment available. (1982)
What a horrible disease.
Stick in there.....
Sorry to hear Ink. With all the things that are physically wrong between the two of you , You both handle it incredibly well. My prayers are with you two.
hang in there, give her the best you can, love her with all your heart. she is blessed to have you right now, i'm sure you are the bright spot in her life right now.

i would research every single drug she is on as well, to know every side effect maybe you can help by knowing.

you both are in my prayers
Very sorry to hear of this Doug. I am hoping that they are able to get her levels and meds to a point where they help not hurt.

Doug, sorry to hear Ernie's having more bad days than good. Both Judy and I send our best. Thoughts and prayers going out for both of you. Hang in there and be strong for each other!
Hopefully the docs will get the meds figured out soon.