airline employees abuse veteran and his service dog



1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
Williams Lake, BC, Canada
Paws and Stripes founder and disabled veteran Jim Staneck is seeking support from fellow dog lovers after he and his service dog were insulted and assaulted by United Airline employees.

Staneck and his service dog Sarge spent 48 hours stranded in the Dulles Airport after numerous flight cancellations and delays. Wounded in battle, Staneck suffers from a brain injury that makes it difficult for him to concentrate under stress. When he struggled to understand changes to his itinerary an employee at the ticket counter insulted him.

“He said, ‘Just read it’ and I said, ‘Sir I can’t read it,’ and he said, ‘What are you retarded?’” Staneck recalls. “Prior to this I told him I have a brain injury and PTSD, I’m a disabled vet, this is my second night here; I need help.”

To make matters worse, Staneck says Sarge was kicked twice by United employees. He said the second kick was so hard that it sent her flying.

“(He) kicked her so hard on the rib cage, that she flew into my lap… He said he was afraid of dogs,” Staneck said. He and Sarge literally hid in a corner until they were able to board a flight home.

Staneck is asking fellow animal lovers to contact United Airlines and let the company know that our veterans and the dogs they rely on deserve better. He describes the incident in the following video.

I hate Airline companies & most of their employees these days. That is total B.S. what happened to the guy. Personally, I have refused to fly unless ABSOLUTELY necessary in an emergency, which is quite rare. I'll drive for three days before flying somewhere because of the airline companies, their rude/inconsiderate people, & their narrow uncomfortable seats.
Should file animal abuse charges and let aspca or whoever at them!:wack: Some people are jerks! Oh and let the ada people know as well, they love attacking those who cause trouble for the disabled!
I hate Airline companies & most of their employees these days. That is total B.S. what happened to the guy. Personally, I have refused to fly unless ABSOLUTELY necessary in an emergency, which is quite rare. I'll drive for three days before flying somewhere because of the airline companies, their rude/inconsiderate people, & their narrow uncomfortable seats.

then throw TSA on top of it... i dont fly either...
It goes to show a lot but not all of the younger generation have no respect for Veterans
Very hard to watch the video but we owe it to the veteran to do so. The employees need to be held accountable. What action can we take as citizens? I haven't had any luck so far getting through to United.
First I heard of this. I hate one-sided discussions, so I'll flip it a bit. I have to call "no clothes" on this whole "service dog" issue. I can accept service dogs for the blind, but can't accept that people must have a companion dog constantly at their side for emotional support. I have seen people fuss about this and produce letters claiming such rights at restaurants with their nose in the air (most of them on welfare for "stress"), then smile as their dog bothers people and craps on the floor.
First I heard of this. I hate one-sided discussions, so I'll flip it a bit. I have to call "no clothes" on this whole "service dog" issue. I can accept service dogs for the blind, but can't accept that people must have a companion dog constantly at their side for emotional support. I have seen people fuss about this and produce letters claiming such rights at restaurants with their nose in the air (most of them on welfare for "stress"), then smile as their dog bothers people and craps on the floor.

I'm going to take it that you've never met a Veteran with PTSD just by your post. Which is fine because it's really misunderstood and it took the US Military many many years before they actually decided to do something for it.

I've had a couple friends come back from Afghanistan and were diagnosed with PTSD. At first you couldn't even be around them. They were placed on massive amounts of medications to make them somewhat "stable".

These animals are legitimate ways to help a veterans PTSD. Use half the meds you normally give someone with PTSD and then they have a service dog.

They are even using dogs in Hospitals now to cheer up patients.

First I heard of this.

I have seen people fuss about this and produce letters claiming such rights at restaurants with their nose in the air (most of them on welfare for "stress"), then smile as their dog bothers people and craps on the floor.

This just happened a few days ago.

This surprises me because I have worked in restaurants all my life and the service dogs I have seen are always calm and unobtrusive, never bothering anyone and never crapped on the floor. What if God forbid you or a family member had a condition that would be helped by a service dog?
I'm going to take it that you've never met a Veteran with PTSD just by your post.

Sure I believe in PTSD, but as with any ailment there are those who are questionable. I met a guy at a party thru a friend who worked at the Atlanta V.A. Hospital. This guy was there for PTSD during the Vietnam War. I felt sorry for him until he explained the source. He never went to Vietnam, but did have to shoot an M-16 during Basic Training and when they told him the bullet went 2300 fps, it "blew his mind" and he has been stressed ever since. I have worked on military bases (as civilian). As at any place, there are all kinds of people from multiple backgrounds. I don't like anyone claiming a special privilege unless they deserve it. For the last 45 years, military service has been voluntary, so you must live with your choice just like Police and Firemen do.
Well I don't want to start something. But I have a family member that was directly affected by PTSD. and I myself served as well as being a volunteer fireman. Not all people do it for the "GLORY" some do it to honestly help others. My family member lost a business due to not being able to function to run it. I know its voluntary but what happens when there are no volunteers? I also worked in the airlines and have seen first hand how cargo etc. is treated. I don't know this guy from anyone so I am surely not in a position to judge. I have no doubt people abuse the systems.
God bless our troops and servicemen....and dawgs.....If you ever needed freedom or protection the troops and servicemen and women were there, when you needed a good friend or companionship yur dawg...they do make life better, unconditionally all of them they never ask why or complain they just do what they do and all deserve respect, any one of them would lay down their lives to protect you


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God bless our troops and servicemen....and dawgs.....If you ever needed freedom or protection the troops and servicemen and women were there, when you needed a good friend or companionship yur dawg...they do make life better, unconditionally all of them they never ask why or complain they just do what they do and all deserve respect, any one of them would lay down their lives to protect you

.........X.......Very well put
I forgot to mention that the guy yelling at the hostess and waving the letter for his "emotional support" dog at the Denny's in Oakland was a young man maybe late 20's who appeared very healthy. As we left, I saw a car that I guessed was his in a handicap spot, since it appeared someone was living out of it. It was a 70's Dart or Valiant. Yes, one can get a handicap sticker in CA for emotional stress and the newspaper says to not question anyone using a handicap space who appears healthy since they may have unseen issues (emotional) that require that. I guess they would get all stressed out having to park in a normal spot and walk a bit like the rest of us.