Allstate carburetor



69 Barracuda
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
Cookstown Ontario Canada
Has anyone had any experiance with Allstate Carburetor, I am looking to get one of the carbs from them, I figure they have been in Biz for 35 years must be doing something right...but being in Canada I have no experiance with them, any advice would be great, thanks.
Never brought anything from them. I asked them a question-say 3 years ago ? Forgot the question and answer but ...oh yeah, they were selling "avs" secondary jets for Carter carbs, for like $12 a pair, before shipping costs. I told them its a phony ad cause those are not "avs" jets but normal Edelbrock jets that will also work in the secondaries of the avs carbs.

That real avs jets are raised up and are only different for the primary. Their answer I forgot how they worded it but it was smart *** and defiant, oh these jets will work in the secondaries of avs carbs, thank you, have a nice day.

They rubbed me the wrong way. Again I never brought anything from them, maybe their carbs are top notch ? But they do use misleading words in their ads.

Just looked for the ad and its gone, maybe somebody got to them and strighten them out.
Well lets hope the carbs are top notch LOL ...Just bought one *g*
Thanks for the info, they have been great replying to my questions..but then again it is a possible sale...We will see..
I have used them before. I live not to faraway from them. They have a guy, forget his name though, it's been awhile, but as I was saying, they do have a die hard MoPar guy there.

Very good rep around here.
AHHHHHH ....yup that is my big sigh of relief LOL, Being from Canada it is hard to know...thank god for groups like this *g*.
Thanks Rumble, thanks dart sport for the replies. I should have it late next, to put the Demon Jr...up for sale..
Thanks again guys
I got the 670 HOLLEY STREET AVENGER 80670. It is $310 shipped.
The ad reads:
This is completely remanufactured with non stick gaskets, 6.5" power valve, NEW electric choke, and vacuum secondary diaphragm, accelerator pump, floats and needle and seat assemblies, clear sight plug screws. Carburetor will come with a new mounting gasket and instructions on how to make the final adjustments. This carburetor comes ready to run. ACFI Remanufactured with updated calibration to eliminate inherent OFF IDLE STUMBLE. Many have experienced the off idle stumble with the Street Avenger series carburetors. We have solved the mystery. Don’t ask us because we won’t tell you how or what we’ve done to fix these pups. It has taken many hours of R&D. Now this is a much more improved unit. This is BETER than a NEW one and has our ACFI BRIGHT ZINC FINISH
LOL, well, that is one thing they won't do...tell ya how it is done.
My name is Bob- I am the mopar guy that worked at Allstate Carburetor- I am no longer there- They forced me out of my job 2 yrs ago. I was the only high performance knowledge that the company had. I hope your street avenger is not the one they are currently selling with down leg boosters. That booster in the 670cfm mainbody is going to be way to sensitive to air flow. It will over come the off idle stumble because it will be to rich and over fuel the transition area but it will also consume way to much fuel and kill the life of your spark plugs. They are still trying to navigate without me.. My backround is indepth and extensive- all R&D, product developement and recalibrating that was performed by Allstate Carburetor was done by me... Never by Jim- Now he's doing it on his own with no backround knowledge. I tested this down leg booster in a 670 cfm mainbody on a car with O2 sensors in the exhaust and it was Dead on RICH no matter what I did to the carb. It is a definate NO NO.. Shame on Allstate Carburetor for selling product that in NOT 100%
Hmm, interesting.

Best when you ask a question to give it a week or so for all to respond.

My name is Bob- I am the mopar guy that worked at Allstate Carburetor- I am no longer there- They forced me out of my job 2 yrs ago. I was the only high performance knowledge that the company had. I hope your street avenger is not the one they are currently selling with down leg boosters. That booster in the 670cfm mainbody is going to be way to sensitive to air flow. It will over come the off idle stumble because it will be to rich and over fuel the transition area but it will also consume way to much fuel and kill the life of your spark plugs. They are still trying to navigate without me.. My backround is indepth and extensive- all R&D, product developement and recalibrating that was performed by Allstate Carburetor was done by me... Never by Jim- Now he's doing it on his own with no backround knowledge. I tested this down leg booster in a 670 cfm mainbody on a car with O2 sensors in the exhaust and it was Dead on RICH no matter what I did to the carb. It is a definate NO NO.. Shame on Allstate Carburetor for selling product that in NOT 100%
I emailed them and told them what Bob told me, they said the carb I bought has the standard style boosters and NOT the down leg boosters, they are only used in the racing carbs they sell. Two side to every story, and Allstate have there side, not getting into details. They said they stand behind the product %100 and I will be satified with my carb.
I will update when my carb arrives.
My name is Bob- I am the mopar guy that worked at Allstate Carburetor- I am no longer there- They forced me out of my job 2 yrs ago. I was the only high performance knowledge that the company had.

Hey Bob. Old time customer here and a big THANK YOU for helping me out with my stuff and being so upfront, really nice and kind. I'm real glad you came in just when this thread was going on. We could really use your help around here on a few things. TQ's are in demand a bit and there is a gap in knowledge around here.

IF you know the screen name Demonsizzler, here retired, so to speak.

Look forward to meeting you again this year around the way.
Allstate does have their side but the fact is= they will never tell you the truth!! I'm glad you got the street avenger with the straight leg booster and should work just fine. I know this because I'm the guy that did the R&D to figure out that the calibration on the 670 idle to transition circuit is lacking in fuel volume. I figured this out- NOT Jim from Allstate !! That company is only riding on the coat tales of my 20 yrs of intense work. Somebody mentioned what was done to correct the off idle stumble- no problem, here it is.
Primary Idle air .070
Primary idle Fuel .031
No Jet Change
This is the correction for fixing the 80670 Street Avenger.. No secret.
Like I already stated- I was the High Performance of Allstate Carburetor
I got Allstate hooked up with Barry Grants to do all their rebuilding, I did this for 10 yrs
I built Carbs for Dyers SuperCharger Company for awhile
Jegs and many more
The Holley Performance account was landed by me and I set Allstate Carburetor up with Holley as a direct buyer..
Not sure what Jim told you but I'm sure it wasn't the truth. Where do you think the name Competition Carburetor came from - Jim "THE OWNER" threw me to the curb and thought they would get away with it (poor character) I never thought I'd be going head to head with the company I developed, Allstate Carburetor is just a name- what good is a name without the knowledge to back it up, watch the steady decline- "NO Man is an Island" to much money in the wrong hands will make a person do stupid things... Go to Ebay and search for my user ID competitioncarburetors click on the "ME" icon next to my user name and you can read more indepth about my history.... That being said- Your 670 purchase will probably be just fine. I just need to get the truth out.. they started to sell 670 street avengers with down leg booster on Ebay and It doesn't matter if it's a race application- it will be an over fuel.. That's it! Booster signal strength has a direct corallation to venturi size. A 670 street avenger has a small ventruri, (the smaller the venturi the faster the air speed) Booster are activated through air speed- so putting a down leg booster into a small cfm will pull fuel immediately and with great strength- this will also equal out to more fuel volume. Reason for this is a venturi has the shape of an hour glass so the deeper you can get a booster to the norrowest point in the hour glass the more sensitive and aggressive it is. My purpose off jumping on this thread was not to bash Allstate- but to educate those and inform the buyer of the 670 about what I saw on Ebay as a problem carburetor being produced by them, Maybe they stopped selling it like that, I don't know..
Well thanks very much Bob, yes they had said a few things about you that I thought were a bit nasty...since they don't know me from Adam...{poor taste}. I now remember you since Rumble called you Demonsizzler..that was awhile ago LOL.
If you don't mind I will take you up on your offer and send a pic of the carb so you can verify I got what they said.
I am done with don't go bashing past employee's for no good reason.
Thanks again Bob
Note ... Bob of Comp Carbs is NOT Demonsizzler.

Bob lives near me, Long Island, New York.

Demonsizzler is in Northern Ga. IIRC, Stone Mountain.

Demonsizzler, *I believe has retired.* Though he may yet chime in. Who knows?
My mistake, thanks for the heads up Rumblefish.
I will keep your ebay ID in my favorites Bob...I think your my go to guy for carbs now...
I have the 770 street avenger and love it other than the off idle stumble how do you fix that pm me please.
The 770 doesn't have the same issue as the 670- you probable have a calibration issue as well. Feel free to call us anytime @ 631 846-8899 Competition Carburetor be glad to go over your motor specs and may be able to help you out. I'm not a big typing guy
Looked at it closer tonight the accelerator pump was squirting till I moved the throttle about a half inch, I adjusted things work real good now.
UPDATE...I got my carb today, I don't think it has the down leg boosters, first pic is down the carb the second pic is what it looked like when I took it out of the box...
I emailed them about it busted choke!!! and got a reply with in a half hour, saying a new cover will be in the mail Wed.


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