Alternator polarity?

Not quite—you actually bought a "remanufactured" alternator. "Remanufactured" parts are notorious junk.

If you want a real new alternator, an item made by Chrysler with good components and not "remanufactured" by untrained apes using cheap Chinese component-shaped trinkets in a dirt-floor factory,*
i know you got rid of your car, Dan, but i still enjoy your commentary :lol: also, i finaly got around to installing the headlight kit i got from you ~ two years ago. easy to do and works great, thanks
One example where grabbing a junkyard part might be better. I was walking by a 1980's Dodge truck and noticed a clean and new-looking alternator with rebuilder's tag, so grabbed that for $10. If not wired correctly with field isolated from ground, it would have smoked their wiring and didn't.