amazing craigslist ad, not creepy at all right?(kinda nws

so many jokes, but I keep being reminded this is a family site
That's funny right there!

But to his credit, he seems intelligent and is concise, uses proper English and spells well. A girl looking to get into the family way without strings or future involvement could do a lot worse donor-wise I suppose. Better than YO YO YOOOO LEMME KNOCK YA UP 1-888-IDONATE

And no, I'm not lining up.
That's funny right there!

But to his credit, he seems intelligent and is concise, uses proper English and spells well. A girl looking to get into the family way without strings or future involvement could do a lot worse donor-wise I suppose. Better than YO YO YOOOO LEMME KNOCK YA UP 1-888-IDONATE

And no, I'm not lining up.

Sure it sounds good for a woman like that until he insists upon personally donating.... :sign10:

Although a scheming woman could potentially get a child and money from that would only take a claim and a dna test and he'd be in for 18yrs of fiscal hell without the fun that started it all.
I guess it just matters how much money you have..... leagally speaking ... lol ... A PIECE is a PIECE is a piece until they want a piece of the pie.
Hahaha. What if this guys genes are all messed up like hes a hill billy or something and the lady wants to return the child because its not to her liking? Can she? Does he take returns?
Hahaha. What if this guys genes are all messed up like hes a hill billy or something and the lady wants to return the child because its not to her liking? Can she? Does he take returns?

Sorry, just deposits no returns, Hell he's just trying to help a lady out,8)