Analyst: "Chrysler will go away"



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May 20, 2007
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Article found on Allpar:

January 10th, 2009 by Bill Cawthon

McAlinden, chief economist for the Ann Arbor-based Center for Automotive Research says both Chrysler and General Motors are technically bankrupt and that Chrysler is unlikely to survive.

McAlinden was speaking today at a conference at the offices of the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press (the two publications have joint offices).

According to McAlinden, the automakers won’t even make it with the federal funds each recently received. However, GM will likely be able to get improved loan conditions that will allow it to hang on. Both GM and Chrysler are hoping to negotiate more favorable loan conditions with the incoming Obama Administration and the new, Democratic-controlled Congress.

On the other hand, McAlinden said Chrysler is in hibernation with its factories idled and its purchasing department dismantled. He forecasts that Chrysler’s workforce will be reduced to about 17,000 by 2012; the number he sees GM being willing to absorb in an acquisition. McAlinden did not say why GM would remain interested in purchasing Chrysler when the larger company is already looking to pare brands and reduce its head count and product line, but analysts seem to have a fixation on this scenario.

“Chrysler will go away,” McAlinden told the audience. He added, “Most cats don’t have that many lives.”

McAlinden’s comments were disputed by Chrysler spokeswoman Shawn Morgan. Morgan said Chrysler is consolidating its staff at its Auburn Hills campus and continues to work toward returning the company to profitability.
Can we really trust analysts' opinions after they've been wrong so many times?
Spot on, this 'analyst' is probably having lots of GM shares and wants to get rid of it.
I wish the analysts would just go away.

They're the biggest problem with this nations economy.

They sit in armchairs and "analyze" what they see and predict the future.

They're stinking soothsayers and "seers" that RUIN the stability of the's all it is. The analysts and speculators are one and the same in my opinion....they just play on diverse crowds of listeners.

I couldn't care less what this guy thinks.

What Chrysler needs besides loan guarantees and tax incentives is another "K-Car" (sorry guys.......the K saved the company last time).......Maybe an electric or something in the pipeline..........but it's gotta be dependable, and easy to own for the little guys.
You might be right on target. Surf over to and check out the Detroit Auto Show coverage; those new EV's look pretty appealing.
chrysler is working on a "mpg" car. it is supposed to be a joint venture with nissian. my guys at the dealership say they think nissian and chrysler would be a more likely merger. he said they both would retain their independece and nissian wants a truck, and suv built for them by chrysler. chrysler wants a high reving and "quiet" 4 cylinder car with good power. we will see what happens i guess...
All electric is the way to go in my opinion.

Maybe a small engine in it that's functions like a generator. Like GM has now with the Volt.

The only thing that bothers me about the Volt is, WHY on earth a 4 cilinder engine in it ?
Why not a smaller and lighter 2 cilinder that produces around 15 kw ? Just like a small Honda bike, you can use these engine's for it.
Their very light, fuel efficient, and very reliable.
Why a heavy 4 cilinder ?
I just don't get that...

If you need it for long travel, then make an option on it with a heavier engine/generator (more KW) in it.
Most people simply are not going to use that 4 cilinder heavy generator, it's for the most people a waste of space, and the weight isn't going to help for the efficiency/Mileage.

It's so simple, so easy, I just don't get these guys. a freaking 4 cilinder generator in a electic car ?!?!?!!?

But the idea and all is great.

Im still looking around for idea's to maybe convert my Barracuda in an EV.

It seems like a funny challenge to do, something new..

Or a HEMI.

I still don't know :-D:toothy10:
chrysler is not BROKE,, that is the main reason GM wanted to MERGE,,not BUY chrysler,, GM wanted the DODGE MINI van line the JEEP line,and chrysler financial,,,GM cant even loan you the money to purchase one of there cars,,,there advertisements state,," WE WILL HELP YOU FIND FINANCING "..

the new nissian truck is a nissian body,,all mopar undernieth,, i dont agree with this crap,,,i would walk before i bought a import,,weather it had a hemi in it or not,,,,

it is the mind set of people today that think the imports are better then american made,,,the truth is if people were treated poorly at a dealer ship either at warranty time or just normal repair time they repeat to there friends,,GM SUCKS,, DODGE SUCKS FORD SUCKS i wouldnt buy another,,its greed that wrecked the american auto makers,,and they did build junk in the late 70s and 80s,some of that ws due to our great goverment demanding more fuel and clean air cars,,, i hope some thing happens to make people realize if they keep buying imports,,they may as well move over seas to find a job,the trickel down effect will wreck this country,

detroit doesnt build cars they assemble them,,all parts ae built or made else where by other companies,,switches,,knows,, plastic components,,dash boards radios,,seats,,all come to the factorys assembled,,the factory just installs them one piece at a time,, so imagine all the people working at these companies that build or make thge other componets,,they you me will all be out of a job,and no where to turn,,,because GREED has taken all manufractureing jobs out of this country,,for one reason or another,,,
