And so the NFL season begins



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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Well it's starting with a delay due to weather but all I can say is the Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket will be used to its full extent :twisted: Enjoy Ladies and Gents, it's game time! :cheers:
Yes it did.Damn,Peyton Manning made a statement tonight.
the flacco love fest before the game was making me sick. glad the revens lost big after hearing the love fest.

that idiot defender on the broncos should be slapped for celebrating before crossing the goal line on that int. it caused an injury to their leader on defense. that int should have sealed the game. just can't believe some of these players are so damn stupid. was glad to see the coach in his face afterwards though..

Buhahahah ,

Indeed!!! hey broom that broke neck 3 (?) surgery castoff has been.

oh! My bad 7? T/D's what a piece of dung.??? the Broncos ? (pigmy pony's) !!

lol , mmm not so much Me thinks.

Ray/Ray who??? laugh my ******* *** off.

I think Honored Posters this is Gonna be a good Year to watch :prayer:

Ok , just to be up front I am a dyed in the wool Steelers fan, always have been, always will be--- that being said My Boys ain't going anywhere this year, no matter,

Football Fans I am callin it, this is Gonna be a good Year to watch :prayer:
Well it's starting with a delay due to weather but all I can say is the Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket will be used to its full extent :twisted: Enjoy Ladies and Gents, it's game time! :cheers:

Praise Be...
Less nascrap...eeer...nascar...More Football
Team rule...all players scoring a touchdown must hand the ball to an official or you get fined $ 10,000.No more showboating and dropping the ball before you actually do score.Go Bronco's.Been a fan since the old AFL days in 1960.
And I thought the 7 point line was a little generous, I haven't been that wrong in quite a long time.
Broncos are my favourite team, have been for 25 yrs. been down to see a few games. Was an sweet game last night, especially since Manning and Welker are both on my Fantasy team, so is Ray Rice but kinda happy he didn't put up a ton of points last night. :)

Lots of bad mistakes last night, luckily more for the Ravens and their coaching staff.