Annoying new neighbors

.just yesterday I was at Lowes, with a flat cart with 10 bags of topsoil on it to do some patchwork in my lawn. This cart was "kind of heavy" and I started pushing it toward the checkout counter, There was an older fella, say 65 saw me heading there and sped up t p cut in front of me in line, he then looked over his shoulder to see if I was going to say something about it. He knew he was being an asshole. I don't have time for altercations so I am thinking, "go ahead ya old coot you are in a hurry I'm not..." he the proceeds to tie up the cahier by paying with three gift cards. i think I got out of there quicker with my debit card.

you're a bigger man then i am

you see, a cart that is hard to get rolling, is also hard to slow down
that is just simple physics
so if you jump in from of me while im trying to roll a heavy cart, dont come crying to me if said cart doesnt stop untill it hits your ankles
Then there was the horrible neighbor living in my buddies college rental house. Not paying, always making trouble and hassling the other neighbors. Finally my buddy asked if we would help teach him a lesson, or better yet get rid of him. So, we had a little jam session, and turned our amps towards the shared wall. We then spent the next 45 minutes or so playing Ted Nugent Great White Buffalo, with our buddy Doug on the lead guitar. Man, that boy can stretch out a lead, so after about an hour there was a knock on the door, it was the neighbor.....”you win, I’m moving out in the morning”. Chalk up one for the Motor City Madman, and Ted Nugent too!
I did something similar in an apartment as a teenager . There was e jerk in the downstairs apartment, always fighting with his woman and she was a looker, he was a testosterone weight lifter type always pissed off etc. I plugged a guitar in at some ungodly hour like 330 am turned the amp face down on the floor and strummed an A power chord with a DOD distortion box. He came charging up the steps banged on the door, me and my sister were inside snickering, he was like "I know your in there a hole..." :)
you're a bigger man then i am

you see, a cart that is hard to get rolling, is also hard to slow down
that is just simple physics
so if you jump in from of me while im trying to roll a heavy cart, dont come crying to me if said cart doesnt stop untill it hits your ankles
Yeah I t took alot to not get pizzed off. Especially when he looked dover his shoulder to see my reaction. I dunno what peoples problem is especially at retirement age, I hope I am happy go lucky and half buzzed on craft brew and margaritas when I'm in my 60s LOL!
Yeah I t took alot to not get pizzed off. Especially when he looked dover his shoulder to see my reaction. I dunno what peoples problem is especially at retirement age, I hope I am happy go lucky and half buzzed on craft brew and margaritas when I'm in my 60s LOL!
Hey now, you can't lump us all into that group. Went to O'reilly's the other day to get a new battery when a young fella came racing into the parking lot and seeing me carrying a battery he ran to the door to get ahead of me at the counter. But then he stopped and ran back to his car....? Seems he forgot his mask, lol. Carma can be a ***** sometimes :rofl:
Hey now, you can't lump us all into that group. Went to O'reilly's the other day to get a new battery when a young fella came racing into the parking lot and seeing me carrying a battery he ran to the door to get ahead of me at the counter. But then he stopped and ran back to his car....? Seems he forgot his mask, lol. Carma can be a ***** sometimes :rofl:
Yeah people are in a hurry to go nowhere, I suppose at all ages. They just don't realize when to slow down.
I did something similar in an apartment as a teenager . There was e jerk in the downstairs apartment, always fighting with his woman and she was a looker, he was a testosterone weight lifter type always pissed off etc. I plugged a guitar in at some ungodly hour like 330 am turned the amp face down on the floor and strummed an A power chord with a DOD distortion box. He came charging up the steps banged on the door, me and my sister were inside snickering, he was like "I know your in there a hole..." :)

we’ve since had to use the threat of The Buffalo again. At a bluegrass music festival we go to, I used my van to go up front and get ice for the whole camp of people I was with. When I got back a large motor home was backing into my spot, right in the middle of my campsite. I told him that he took my van spot and he responded with “move your feet, lose your seat”. Doug heard this and came over and politely told him that he could stay, and that we would march around his camper all night long, playing Great White Buffalo till morning, every night! He too relented to the power of the Buffalo.....”above the canyon walls, strong eyes did glow”!
we’ve since had to use the threat of The Buffalo again. At a bluegrass music festival we go to, I used my van to go up front and get ice for the whole camp of people I was with. When I got back a large motor home was backing into my spot, right in the middle of my campsite. I told him that he took my van spot and he responded with “move your feet, lose your seat”. Doug heard this and came over and politely told him that he could stay, and that we would march around his camper all night long, playing Great White Buffalo till morning, every night! He too relented to the power of the Buffalo.....”above the canyon walls, strong eyes did glow”!

did you at least wish him a happy W*******d before you ran him off?
Guess I am lucky the houses in my neighborhood are pretty close together but I have no real big issues in the 28 years I have been here ,guy behind me is bi-polar and does some weird stuff outside at night sometimes but its tolerable, I don't care for my next door neighbors ever since they gave my wife a hard time when she approached them about cutting down some bushes between our house and theirs, I liked the bushes since they hide the ugly deck with plywood nailed to it they have, they also have 4 adults and four little kids in a house two small for that : its the sons wife and kids living with his parents so the kids can go to school in our town, none off them work except the elderly mother works at Wal Mart. Theres a girl in her early thirties across the street that lives there with her boyfriend.. kind of weird been there a few years and her and the boyfriend hardly ever leave the house I guess they work from home and they hardly ever say hello, I try and be a good neighbor and snow blow their small driveway for them as she has back problems sometimes I get a thank you sometimes not.There was a lady in her late sixties renting a small apartment next door: I did a lot off favors for her, fixed her car, killed bugs in the apartment at ten at night, used my truck to pick up garage sale items for her etc. I didn't have to do any of it! but the land lord was in her 90s so I tried to help her out, she never asked me to help the tenant. One Saturday morning around nine I started my D150 ( not loud ) to move it and she came out screaming at me " shut that d@#n thing off ".. oh really ? I never spoke to her again, I snow blowed one half the driveway for the landlord and left the tenants half packed with snow, its was fun to watch her struggle to shovel it herself complaining nobody helps her, one time she begged me to clear the snow for her I just laughed and said no way! The landlord passed away a few years ago and her kids sold the house, the new people that bought the place are ok and friendly , yards a little messy but that's ok. The renter was forced to move I heard she moved into a trailer that has a big termite problem.. good! "what goes around comes around". Before the girl moved in across the street another couple lived there they were cool we went to dinner, concerts, trips etc with them and he was a car guy he always came over to help me out as I did him he passed away from cancer about twelve years ago , the only way to say it is : the wife/ widow took advantage of my good nature I did way too much for her way more than I should have. She was too lazy to work and keep the house up so she moved in with a boyfriend sold the house and barely even said good bye, she left and we never heard from her again.
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did you at least wish him a happy W*******d before you ran him off?

of course we did, and no hard feelings. It’s just not Wheatland like to steal somebody’s spot while they’re gone getting supplies! We’ve welcomed lots of folks into our corner of the Wheatland world, no need to try to muscle your way in!
of course we did, and no hard feelings. It’s just not Wheatland like to steal somebody’s spot while they’re gone getting supplies! We’ve welcomed lots of folks into our corner of the Wheatland world, no need to try to muscle your way in!
yeah but to steal your spot then give a smart azz crack about losing your seat..its like "who made you the maker of rules around here fella?" :)