I'm jelious....So that what progress looks like.
Rolling at break neck road kill speed......a record 8? maybe 9 years.
I'm jelious....So that what progress looks like.
Rolling at break neck road kill speed......a record 8? maybe 9 years.
Rolling at break neck road kill speed......a record 8? maybe 9 years.
Gee, I don't feel bad then only being at 10 months.
has it really been 10 months?
This picture was taken August 18 on the way out the driveway to drop it off at the body shop. So yea.....10 Months next week .
I'm picking up the engine for the Dart tomorrow.....Thats how sure I am about it being done soon!
.......and I'm only a couple of miles from it right now.
Weeb just came in and said Mark V wants me to take pictures tommorrow.maybe a few pics are in order????
Weeb just came in and said Mark V wants me to take pictures tommorrow.
HMMMMMM....now what comes in a big blue crate?????....I know I've seen them somewhere before....now where was that???...was it the .....Mopar Performance cataloge?
You are correct, 426 Hemi ........... but now there is a change of plans. I'm going to Findlay to get the unfinished Dart Wednesday of next week...... really disappointed, I would have never taken that cash out of a savings account if I knew the Dart wasn't being finished. I'll put it back in the crate until I save enough cash to finish the Dart.
That Sucks....Have a Rum and coke or Jack and Ginger.
Now I hear that there may be a change of plans....all for the better.You are correct, 426 Hemi ........... but now there is a change of plans. I'm going to Findlay to get the unfinished Dart
So todays the 26th....is the Dart home ?
the dart is not home, it left one body shop and made a stop at another body shop. Mark boutwell is going to look it over and let me know the cost to finish. I'm disapointed but life goes on.......
It looks like it's a fairly easy finish from here.