Another 727 trans id question



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 10, 2019
Reaction score
Florida - near Ocala
I was looking through several transmissions I found in my garage and am curious about this one. I read the numbers on the pass side as PK3515843 3540 1997. I believe the build date to decipher as April 7, 1971 but I'm not sure what it came from. Is this correct? Also, what does the 1997 mean?
Thx folks!!
Looks like from 340 . The 1997 may be the last of the VIN from the car
May be just the angle of the photo but the font of the 1997 appears different than the rest to me. Maybe it was rebuilt in 1997 and the rebuilder stamped it to verify for warranty or something. But that’s just a guess on my part.
I thought the 1997 was the sequential build number... for that day, iirc.

Also, looks like built for forged crank car?? no weight provision for converter.
Thx guys! After rooting around some more, this is the trans that came from my 71 Demon 340. I thought this was a loose or rogue trans I had laying around but had it mixed up with another couple that were in the garage. The VIN pad matches the car so it's definitely the one! The build date is interesting too - shows it was built on April 7, 1971 so my car is a later-built 71 Demon. I knew that but forgot as I bought this car from the original owner in 1984 and he had given me the actual hand-written order forms used when the car was ordered.

Also interesting - I used the file @RAT ROD AL had provided, and here's what it shows:

So all good - I'll get this trans tuned up a bit to go back in the car.

Thx again for the help - amazing members on here!!