Another annoying Craigslist buyer rant

Always ask for more than you'll accept when selling on Craigslist. Lets the buyer "talk you down" a bit so they feel like they are getting a deal. Works well for me and I've had ads almost constantly on CL for at least the last 10 years. Very rarely with a phone number. I never give my full address until they are ready to come over. Just the nearest major cross streets.

Had a CL emailer a couple months ago, looking for a swaybar. I probably had 5 of the one he was looking for. I told him I get $70 for one if I have to ship it. He was local so I told him he could have it for $40. He emailed me back and said "will you take $30?" He got a one word reply. "No." Never heard back from him.

My wife calls the CL time wasters "cyber tire kickers" O:)