Another DEADBEAT seller be warned

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Am I the only one having trouble reading some of the jumbled, incoherent posts in this thread??? A little proofreading goes a long way.
Nope,he was visiting the forum.
Bad he let the deal fall apart, good that he made a refund.
Glue man, we know you're lurking, why not defend yourself, by not, you seem guilty as charged.
Was just trying to buy my son parts for his car was happy to pay at least his kramer hemi hood got here for his birthday hemi Denny was snowed in up in chicago area and it took him about a month to get it out here but he kept lines of communication open packaged it on a crate nicely and my son had a **** Eaton grin when he finally got it , thanks to all the members who have helped me aquire all these parts , trunk lid , grill , taillights and bezels, seats , seat brackets , a 400 block , stage 4 heads , hood an entire center console lol wich the seller was nice enough to cut the entire tranny tunnel out of donor car so all bracketed was in place ... and the list goes on ...
Nope,he was visiting the forum.
Bad he let the deal fall apart, good that he made a refund.
i just got done with a member's sale that went south . but a couple of members went to the sellers place and got everything straightened out , i get the parts i paid for and all is well . and if you want to out the guy to the other members here give is @........ tittle here is . offer up his phone number , and address , and email address . there is strength in numbers , there are alot of members here . and leave feedback on the sale as well .
Glue man, we know you're lurking, why not defend yourself, by not, you seem guilty as charged.
I don't know, if I were the glue man, I wouldn't want anything to have to do with this member, and just eat it too
For all his silence, he seems like the bigger man to me
Thank you for posting this. It's too bad that some people have to be called out before they come through on their word. As for the threats, they don't bother me at all. Seems like they were only made against someone who was attempting to do you wrong. I don't worry about that as I treat people fairly and keep my word.
And Glue Man could have came here and told his side of the story........he didn't. I'll form my own conclusions as to who I would deal with here.
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At least you got something back. That's rough.

A seller is responsible for getting the item to you. If it's messed up in transit, it's not the buyers problem unless agreed to before hand.
I bought a ring for the exwife from a seller in New York. He sent me garbage. I looked him up on Google maps, priced out the plane tickets, and called him. Once he realized that the cost of the flight (with flight number) and the cab ride to his EXACT location was less than half what he ripped me off for and that I'd be there in six hours or less, he changed his tune, fast. I didn't even have to threaten the guy, I just started describing his storefront. Thanks, Streetview!

That said, I've seen guys knock teeth out for someone pissing on a toilet seat intentionally.

Glue man, I don't know both sides of the story, but if I were you, I'd make it right up front next time. It's just the right thing to do. Even if it isn't your fault, you win some you lose some.
all you liberal pussies crying about a little rough justice for a thief? take my money and see what happens. I work hard for my cash and you think I'm just going to let you steal it ?????? you better order yourself a wheelchair because you're going to need it.
So much anger here and self-righteous vigilante justice spew.

I’m embarrassed by the belief of some that violence is somehow justice.

This is America, and we have rule of law. There is no place for that noise...despite the boastful rantings that somehow it is.

BTW, posting the intent to do someone bodily harm on the internet is a crime. It’s called “terroristic threatening” and it is a felony.
Great file that along with other hard to or impossible laws to enforce, such as the illegal use of texting and driving. Thou on the surface your right about "terroristic threatening" by definition it also states ] However, "the courts recognized that one does not violate a terroristic threat or terroristic threatening statute by making idle talk or jests which do not have a reasonable tendency to create apprehension that the speaker will act according to the threat." And most states have their own definition for this.
If you get a black eye , And you believe in "turning the other cheek", you just wind up with another black eye! That's not for me.
all you liberal pussies crying about a little rough justice for a thief? take my money and see what happens. I work hard for my cash and you think I'm just going to let you steal it ?????? you better order yourself a wheelchair because you're going to need it.
I assume you are referring to me directly. You think it's acceptable to threaten someone with severe injury after hearing only one side of the story from an internet random?

yeah you seem like a real good citizen.
Great to hear you got your $$ back!! Too bad the seller waited so long to make it right...
This thing has been blown way out of proportion. Need to get a response out.

I did two things wrong here- took me a week to send parts when I committed to getting them out the next day. I work 6 days a week and have trouble sneaking away from work to get things taken care of. Not anyone's issue but my own. I am also dealing with my dad's estate so between lawyers and funeral arrangements things have been super crazy for me. Again, not the buyers problem. Second mistake I made was not wrapping the parts up better with foam of some kind to protect the edges of the metal. I own that, will correct in future dealings.

As soon as the parts showed up to him he sends me a message saying things were messed up and he didnt get everything he paid for. I was obvious something had happened during shipment, as the box had additional tape on it that I did not install. We talked on the phone, and I filed an appeal with USPS the next day online. USPS wanted to only cover part of the cost (50), so I had to send USPS a written appeal via mail (not email). That process is taking forever. The buyer decides he doesn't want to wait for this process to work itself out. I initially told him it's not my fault that USPS can not deliver a package in one piece, and told him I wouldn't cover the costs. We argued, he called me every name under the sun. I was polite and told him I was sorry for the way it worked but to be patient and wait for the appeal process. The next day after sleeping on it I decided it would be right to just give him his whole refund, and whatever USPS gives me back will have to be enough, and id just take this as a lesson learned. I paypaled him on 4/17. Paypal says the money has gone through so I figure this is a done deal, I just need to wait on USPS. Then Saturday night (4/21) he sends me a paypal request for more money. Im like WTF is going on here. The money was sent 4 days prior to this. We had words, it wasn't pretty, and I essentially told him to F off, I had refunded his entire amount. Then he jumped on here to bad mouth me.

Lesson learned. I made a couple mistakes, I owned them, and I'll move on. Just need you guys to know the entire story. I don't do a lot on FABO but I sure as hell am not going to let him make me look bad when I did in fact do the right thing. I dont have anyone on here logging in to stick up for me or anything like that either.

Here's the photo of the paypal transaction proving I sent the money back to him 4 days BEFORE he jumped on here to make me look bad.


  • Transaction Proof.pdf
    93.9 KB · Views: 167
Buying from sellers with positive feedback is the best. Not 110% perfect but most guy with good reputations are stand up dudes...
Or dudettes...
You know... That would be great IF people bothered to give feedback. I've done a few deals here... bought and sold. Shipped and paid in a timely manner etc. Everybody happy. Gave feedback as I should, but haven't seen any quid pro quo.
Another thing, Im about 95% sure I didnt call his kid anything at all. I had a few cocktails in me Saturday night when this all went down so I can't say for sure. If I did I apologize. I DEFINITELY called 67a273 everything he's saying I said. I stand behind that.
As you came to realize, the appeal process is not the buyers issue. That's your issue to deal with. If you did or didn't get reimbursed, the buyer didn't receive what was paid for and you admit the packaging wasn't up to snuff.

I have an attitude about things being shipped...especially UPS for some reason.

Pack things as though items are going to re-enter earth from outer space!
Most of the shippers will find a way to mess up whatever you are sending. :)

Good that you got it resolved to some point.
Mr Glue Man resolved it on his end, and he did step up and tell his side. Fair enough. I respect that.
As you came to realize, the appeal process is not the buyers issue. That's your issue to deal with. If you did or didn't get reimbursed, the buyer didn't receive what was paid for and you admit the packaging wasn't up to snuff.

I have an attitude about things being shipped...especially UPS for some reason.

Pack things as though items are going to re-enter earth from outer space!
Most of the shippers will find a way to mess up whatever you are sending. :)

Good that you got it resolved to some point.

I disagree with you slightly. The buyer paid USPS to provide a service, since he covered the shipping. That service was not provided. It's a frustrating situation. Looking at it from the buyers shoes however, I see why you feel that way and is what finally made me decide to return his money.
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