Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Time to bore you with another home improvement update.

I hung one of the new light fixtures in the dining room to get an idea of how it would look.


- Began cutting an opening in the dining room wall so that I can add in a counter/bar between it and the kitchen.


I still have to wire in the new can lights that are in the soffit before I can finish buttoning up that drywall.


I purchased a used entertainment center off of Craigslist. Due to the room dimensions I wanted to set it at an angle so that a television could be better visible from most of the seating areas. In order to keep it from sitting away from the walls I hacked it up with a saw so that the two ends would mate against the wall. It took the better part of the day to cut it up and re-assemble.





The finish won't match the rest of the woodwork but for now it will have to do.

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Thanks SNKEBIT. I'd sure rather be posting car stuff though.

The walls look pretty rough because a previous owner had applied a textured coating on them that was flaking off. I'm scraping them and then installing 1/2" drywall over the lath/plaster. A lot of the old house remodeling jobs are done that way around here. The ceilings had to be stripped to the joists.

On our farm house I completely gutted everything. It was a lot of mess but it sure makes it easier when it all goes back together.
Now the house stuff is my area of expertise...
Wrenching on our old car is a different story, but I love it anyway!
Your place is looking good, keep at it.
Now the house stuff is my area of expertise...
Wrenching on our old car is a different story, but I love it anyway!
Your place is looking good, keep at it.

Dang, DusterDaddy. Why ain't you over here keeping me from screwing everything up! Unfortunately I don't have any areas of expertise. I struggle to reach mediocrity on all the stuff I do.
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I made another Craigslist purchase today. Someone had a big black (36" wide) side by side refrigerator for sale that had the ice/water dispenser in the door and it's own filtration system. It is only a few years old but was awfully dirty. I gave $250 for it.

After getting the fridge up on the back deck I finally managed to remove that old piano from the house. I had Teresa snap a few photos as I started going down the steps of the deck and onto the trailer. Most people would say that someone moving this thing by themselves would have to be insane. I guess this proves they're right. I figured that if it didn't go well she could show the pictures to folks at my wake service for laughs.



As you can see, I still haven't finished sanding, caulking, & painting the back side of the house...

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Another day of running around picking up items off of Craigslist today. We went to Omaha and got a black stove with double ovens, 4 bar stools, a microwave, and a fake ficus tree. I know that we wouldn't be able to outfit this house without major savings on some of these furnishings but I still feel that the house will seem more complete if we have some of this stuff. Hopefully it'll be money well spent.
Another day of running around picking up items off of Craigslist today. We went to Omaha and got a black stove with double ovens, 4 bar stools, a microwave, and a fake ficus tree. I know that we wouldn't be able to outfit this house without major savings on some of these furnishings but I still feel that the house will seem more complete if we have some of this stuff. Hopefully it'll be money well spent.

Dam you got a lot of energy !!
By now most of you have realized I have a total lack of talent when it comes to working on things. That's OK. I came to that conclusion years ago myself. Sometimes I blame my poor results on the lack of proper tools. I've gotten used to making do with whatever I've got.



I know I could use a bigger truck.


But I am always trying to think of ways to get the jobs done.


I learned about electricity at an early age.


And how to work with saws


I miss having Manuel help me work on stuff.


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I guess you could say I had a typical childhood.

When my mom made cookies she encouraged me to lick the batter that was on the mixer.


I remember her telling me that my favorite vegetable was baked beans when I was little.


Dad sometimes gave me advice.


But sometimes us kids had to learn about life on our own.


I don't recall having the typical fears that other kids had.




As a matter of fact, I was usually less worried about the outcome of some of my adventures than I should have been.


I know I should exercise more...


But cars have always been my passion.


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Don't forget you started smoking at a very early age :D


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Love the Roth pic... Sad part is, I have done stuff so close to some of those pictures, you would shudder.
Love the humor, much appreciated...
Some folk question why I got so heavily involved with Mopars.


Although I have some Ford friends, I always felt that them Mustang lovers were a bit on the weird side.


I may not have had many phobias when I was younger but Teresa's grandkids have allowed me to experience the true meaning of fear.




Sometimes Teresa'a driving makes me nervous.


I always have the feeling that something will go wrong when she's behind the wheel.


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Have no kids or wife. Hate phycatrists, & overpayment on "listening". This really was my answer,until a couple years ago. Starting to get enthused ,again.....


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Have no kids or wife. Hate phycatrists, & overpayment on "listening". This really was my answer,until a couple years ago. Starting to get enthused ,again.....

There's something about the time spent in the garage that gets under your skin after awhile. - Sort of a Zen thing. I've always had a special respect for most die-hard car guys. I may never come close to having the skill level of some of the guys I've known but I probably match them on the passion.
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There's a big 2 day swap meet coming up this weekend in Fremont, Nebraska. I need to work on the house so I'll be skipping it. - I haven't missed one there in over 30 years. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to hear about the truckload of Hemis that sold for scrap price from my buddies.

Today I modified the kitchen soffit to install the microwave I bought yesterday. While I was at it I moved one of the doorways over six inches to accommodate the new appliances.

Dang I still wish I was posting car news!