another project i'm doing



1965 Dodge Dart GT
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
My first home brew! I'm so excited! How many of you FABO members have done this before? My first was a few weeks ago at my buddies house.. So this should be interesting.


can you send me some of that good moonshine when its done? lol
Been there done that. Or do that. Yea been doing it for several years.Only problem is, that I'm a whiskey drinker so the beer doesn't get drank very quick. I make wine too. And yes I've made whiskey but its got to age 5+ years and Thats a loooonnnggg time.Got some ready(aged) this summer.
Have fun with it.
just finished! im waiting for my fermentation to begin! I have a few new bubbles at the top of the carboy, so i'm pretty excited. And yes wyo340 - i'll send some your way.. you can test it!!
I have never dun this before!:read2:
But I have a friend that is very proud of his beer he makes, and He can talk about it all day long.
I see him 2 times a year and he and his wife are top notch beer makers and belong to a club in Wis.
A good friend we call Dirty Fred.
We could talk him into getting up and singing Voodoo child by Hendrix.
When he makes a trip down here we drink and sample his beer and play music. Hope you enjoy it as much as he douse.:-D