Another Rotisserie Post

Complete front setup with the adapters for the an A Body.

Complete Front End Assembly Round Legs.JPG
I've looking all over for a less expensive either outright buying one or fabricating, and for cost of some the less expensive ones, doesn't seem like I can do one for much less than $1000, which wouldn't be an issue if I planned on using it again...

I guess across the pond they call them roll over jigs, probably not big on bbq over there..

Anyway, looking at their A frame design, looks more of a simple design and I've seen them with a screw that draws to two legs together to raise the vehicle. Yah I know they use them for Mini's and small crap boxes, but the one company lists 67 and 70 Mustang application.

Just looking for some thoughts...

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You can't build a nice one for that! [FOR SALE] - Rotisserie For Sale
Dang....y'all just made me go out in the garage and hug my Whirly Jig! I saw it for sale on Moparts a few years ago for $800, and jumped on it like a duck on a June bug! I had a 7 hr round trip drive to get in Eastern NC, but it was well worth the trip!
A Whirly popped up on my local CL. Decided to offer some trade/partial trade or see if I could get the price down just a bit from the grand he was asking.... no matter, it was sold in an hour!
A Whirly popped up on my local CL. Decided to offer some trade/partial trade or see if I could get the price down just a bit from the grand he was asking.... no matter, it was sold in an hour!

That's exactly how I ended up here. The material cost to build one doesn't make sense because for a couple hundred more, I could get a new one delivered to my door. Used ones do pop up, but they go quick.

And unless you plan on doing a bunch of restorations, you're only going to use it once.

I have a buddy who has one ...he offered to let me borrow it, which was outstanding, but you know and I know that this is exactly the kind of tool that is very likely to be tied up for a looooooooonnnnng time. So I politely thanked him for the offer and declined. I truly don't think I would have it on the thing for more than say, 60 days.... but I ain't gonna bet any money on it.
I bought mine for $1300 delivered and my 66 Barracuda has held residence for 2years now. Rolled in the corner, rolled into the next bay, rolled outside for sandblasting. I finish the paint work this weekend and I’ll roll it on it’s side for the fuel lines and lighter bolt on stuff before it hits the lift to come off. Best money I spend. The Demon is going on next. Saved me time, (aka money) saved my back, saved me having to build one in my welding shop. I could not do the engineering for what it cost me to click the computer and place the order. Plus when done... just put it up for sale. make sure you get one with large wheels for rolling over rougher Terane at the sand blasters. Also min 6 wheels are a must. The center support flexes a lot of you don’t have wheels on the connecting center support
I used discarded well drill pipe and made mine in an "H" frame fashion at each end so I could just roll out any vehicle that happens to also sport a frame. I just roll the whole thing out, frame, engine, axles, wheels and all (non mopar). Only needs 4 wheels and totally breaks down for storage. Has "L" brackets at each end to adjust for CG and total upside down tilt function. My only drawback is the outside runner on each side to tie both "H's" together.