Antenna yes or no poll

This is fun. It's very half and half so to say. My Dart never had one, at least since I've owned it 2002. I just bought one for it and will install it after it's painted.
Yes I also had my antenna deleted when I had my body work done last winter I think it was one of the best small things that I had a done. big antenna is bulky and to me just looked kind of cheesy on my car, I get it it's part of the old school look but I just believe it draws away from the front end of the car, a big chrome stick poking out of the fender. I didn't used to mine shackles but I got over them too. And remote antennas are really good these days.

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That does look good.
Welded in a piece of sheet metal on my antenna hole and mounted the antenna in the trunk behind the back seat.
I'm keeping mine, pretend I'm listening to "Cousin" Bruce Morrow. 77 WABC :D
How about a power antenna? I have not checked, but can you get one mounted in stock locations???? If so, that would be my selection.
Yes antenna.

If my car wasn't being kept stock I would get an automatic one so car covers etc would be easier to deal with.
I am in the process of deleting mine




Having said that, "I guess" mine doesn't really need one. I used a thumb drive connected to one of the irritatingly way too complex to operate do everything modern replacements.
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Install a 72 or newer antena and just unscrew the mast. Why ruin the fender for future owners if they want it original?

Picture 058.jpg
Mine was in a pretty bad front end wreck at some point and I think that quarter is aftermarket. It is kinda wonkee right where the antenna is. I've seen this on other "second generation" barracudas.

I ran the naked hole for a long time mulling all of the aforementioned options but in the end went with the antenna mostly to draw attention away from that fitment issue. If I ever get to do the body over, ill prolly keep that antenna....
I vote yes antenna. It just looks right on the cars. I do run AM/FM in them and do listen to the radio a lot.
I wish Mopars would have had rear quarter mounted antennas instead of front fender mounts. I think cars with rear mount antennas look cooler.
I wish Mopars would have had rear quarter mounted antennas instead of front fender mounts. I think cars with rear mount antennas look cooler.

Some Mopars did have quarter mounted antennas. My old '64 300K had the power antenna mounted there.

With that said, I eliminated the antenna hole in the Barracuda for a cleaner look. I bought a small powered antenna off Amazon, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. The GTS will retain a correct factory antenna. No car covers needed as both cars will be garage kept when I get the new garage finished.
How about 2? Some cars could pull this off..

My SC400 has a power antenna that goes up and down a few inches as you tune the FM band.
My first Barracuda had a power antenna in the rear quarter, looked and worked well. My current car has a screw-in mount in the front fender but the mast is removed. So yes and no.
did u see this >> :D at the bottom of the post ??