Anti-freeze or drain?


Kevin D.

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Well I am moving to maine.My dart will have to sit in car trailer for the winter till I get shop building squared away. My question is do you guys drain the engines for winter or add anti-freeze.Your input appreciated,Kevin.
Mine is garaged (un heated) and I just keep anti freeze in it. Mix appropriately, too much is just as bad as not enough.

Where are you moving to in Maine, Kevin?

I'm a born and bread Mainiac myself!
There should be coolant in every car regardless of your location. (except for may be a race car where you can't run antifreeze) Antifreeze combats freezing, helps with overheating, has lubrication for your water pump, and has chemicals to prevent corrosion. A 50/50 mix is recommended but if you just drain the radiator some water is left in the block so I would drain the radiator and add a gallon of pure anti freeze. Run the engine and test the antifreeze. I would make it safe to -30° by draining and adding as needed to get there.
I drain the radiator and the block in my racecar (Demon) before every winter. The Valiant I'll just keep anti-freeze in it over the winter.
I vote for antifreeze - I have seen a couple of "drained" blocks crack. If you decide to drain though, be sure to pull out the block drains as well.
I left water with wetter in my block for a year in a heated garage. I fired it up once a month that year and at the end of that year when I took the heads off I had oxidation on my aluminum heads. Almost lost the heads. If its going to sit use some form of ccorrosion preventer
You cannot just drain the rad, water will remain in the low points of the cooling passages in the block. You have to pull the two block drains (one on either side above the pan rails) in order to get all the water out.
You cannot just drain the rad, water will remain in the low points of the cooling passages in the block. You have to pull the two block drains (one on either side above the pan rails) in order to get all the water out.

just put antifreeze in in it for christ sakes.
I am moving to Bowdoinham Me. not far from Brunswick.I am thinking late life crisis,Kevin.

Not too far from where I grew up.

Be sure and enjoy some lobstah for me when you get there. And don't forget where you pahk your cah. lol

Going from a southern accent to a "down east" dialect, you might need a translator for a while.
Also mix the anti-freeze with distilled water, tap water will corrode aluminum parts.
yeah the correct mixture of anti freeze and purified water is best IMO. And hurry up with your garage space thing lol. And also add some fuel additive to you tank to keep moisture out of there as well. if possible also pull carb off and store it inside drained and bagged. Just suggestions not law lol! I simply go home to Florida and enjoy the sun and driving my toys all year round. Colorado is already getting to cold for me!
You cannot just drain the rad, water will remain in the low points of the cooling passages in the block. You have to pull the two block drains (one on either side above the pan rails) in order to get all the water out.

Yeah, I know. I was being sarcastic, hence "draining the block"................ How else would you drain the block if you didn't pull the drain plugs in the block?! :blob:

Do people really think you "drain the block" by draining just the radiator?? :violent2:

The original poster of this thread put this in the "Racers Forum". Most racecars don't have anti-freeze in there cooling system. just water. If your at a race track and you blow a hose and wet down the track with anti-freeze in your car, well lets just say that wouldn't be good.

In my opinion, if you have a racecar with just water in it, it's way less work to just drain the block(pulling the block drain holes). If you have a street car that you occasionally bring to the track and have anti-freeze in it, sure just make sure the mixture is correct for the climate that you live in.
Anti freeze...the right amount, and let it run with the engine at temp to circulate through everything