Anybody Collect GI Joe Stuff?



Caput villa stultus
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Lookin for somethin I had as a kid....WAY back. Not really to buy but just to see a picture. It was a small tracked vehicle he stood up on to drive. Mine was blue if I remember. Just curious.
What is WAY back?
I have a few from the 60s, full size, before "lifelike hair" and "kung-fu grip".
Dont recall a tracked vehicle.
I remember the Space Capsule and later the Howitzer. Trying to think of what other accessories...
What is WAY back?
I have a few from the 60s, full size, before "lifelike hair" and "kung-fu grip".
Dont recall a tracked vehicle.
I remember the Space Capsule and later the Howitzer. Trying to think of what other accessories...

Late 60s early 70s.
I still have the foot locker from the 70's but I don't remember that particular vehicle
This? Uploaded from the web.


I had a Jeep and an ATV. Full size GI Joe with the hair and prior. Late 60s.
Back around '65 my brother and I got GI Joes for Christmas. Mine was the talking model and my brothers was the Green Beret outpost set with 2 figures. Mom felt so bad that I only got 1 in mine, bless her heart. There was a Milton-Bradley toy store at the shopping center with an excellent selection of Joes and accessories. My brother & I were there any time we could cut grass or gather coke bottles to buy accessories. :D My son has 3 or 4 unopened reissues from the 80s as well as several he did open. :thumbsup:
Almost forgot- I had a Stony Smith figure from several years prior I got for Christmas. Didn't articulate like a Joe (Main thing was the head wouldn't tilt forward and backward). I remember my Dad saying he was a "chicken soldier" since he wouldn't raise his head. :p
Naw, this one was like a scooter with tracks. He stood up on it. It had handle bars kinda like a bike.

When you type that description into google and select images, does anything look familiar?
I'm picturing it as an old stand up jetski on tracks