Anybody hear from linked images?



Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I e-mailed them twice with no responses. Has anybody heard from them? Thinking of switching to Photo Bucket.
I use imageshack, it has been working very well for me, for quite a while now.
yea, i gotta switch myself. they have been down more than up since i joined

I'll see what I can find out for you guys...
mikelbeck said:

I'll see what I can find out for you guys...

<sigh....> Yet another internet rump-rape. I paid for a year too.

I understand that there can be unforeseen problems, but to not even post an explaination is wrong. At least a "screw-you, you loose" would be better than being just left hangin.....
onehellofadart said:
Lets see what Mikel can find out before we set up a lynch party.

Just in case though I got a new rope!!!:evil4:

I e-mailed him, haven't gotten a response yet...
why would a guy buy a website and then totaly neglect it?
freshayr said:
why would a guy buy a website and then totaly neglect it?

Well, there's a few things going on, I think.

First, he has another site that runs the same script and that one didn't have the problem that had. I'm not sure what the problem was, he didn't let me in on that, just asked if I had the original source.

Second, the guy who wrote the script has been MIA for a while, and his support board (where other users were supporting each other) recently went down.

Last, I kind of got the impression that the guy I was dealing with was just the "owner" and he had another guy who was handling the admin-ing stuff. I never spoke with the other guy, so I don't know what he's up to.

I'm as baffled as you are, I was always one to try to keep the users - especially the paid users - as happy as possible and sent out many notices when things were going on so people wouldn't panic. This guy didn't do that and isn't answering e-mails... At least not from me. I don't know what's going on.
onehellofadart said:
Mikel what do you suggest we do?

I'm e-mailing the guy again and looking for other e-mail addresses for him. Give me a day or two.
Linked Images now called Free Image Hosting? Typed in linked images and got free image hosting instead. Pictures are all gone and user name and password no longer work. ?????????
There's a posting there about it, finally:

I know this is a long time coming, I am really sorry, but I needed to get the correct information.

Apparently, linkedimages died and all the images were deleted by someone. We could not recover them, Nor could we recover the accounts. However, if you had a paid account, we are prepared to upgrade your new account with us to match what you had before. Please follow the steps below.

1. Create a new free account with us.
2. Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject "Paid Account". Include the email address your account was under when it was lost.

We are very sorry for this inconveinence.
Site Admin

*I* have a backup of all the files that were on the site before it was transferred to the new owner - on 6/20/05. If you want, e-mail me your username from LinkedImages and I will zip up your files and e-mail them to you.
that sounds a little fishy to me. How do you lose all the information.