anyone balanced a stock 360 crank?

So...the budget way about this is to...

Have it balanced as external but use the proper 360 spec balancer and weighted flexplate??
External balance is just fine, I've put more than 2000 1/4 mile passes on mine since it was built in 1993.
Meet-Joe-"Dart" said:
I just had my 360 assembly balanced... all things considered, I do wonder if buying a new crank and rods would have been a better way too go(everything else is new) But i find it a little confusing, the machine shop wants to re-fresh your old parts(that's how they earn a living) and the parts store wants to sell you new parts(that's how they pay the rent) Anyhow I had my stuff balanced :)

Buying a new crank, rods and pistons does relieve you of the need to balance. Unless you buy a kit with everything from one place they will still charge extra to have it balanced.
Just because you buy everything new it still will need balanced.
Unless it is a low performance stocker.
:popcorn: back from the dead.

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