Anyone bother putting a tracking device in their mopar?



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Just curious to how many people have installed lojack or a tracking device in their mopar, any benefits over the cost? Any experiences?
I've considered it. Unless Lojack has gone to cell technology, forget that. When I bought the Ranger "some woman" just wrecked for me, it had LoJack in, I called them and talked THEM into talking me through removing it. There isn't LoJack service around here for hundreds and hundreds of miles, including most of Washington state, Montana, and Idaho
Hmmm same here in Tennessee. I have seen a couple other options out there but you have to recharge it every 2 weeks
It might be as simple as contacting your local 911 supervisor. Find out if they can track a cellphone when notified, and if they can track PREPAID phones, which they might not. All you need is a "rider" phone on your family plan, or a prepaid one, mine costs me about 35 a month through Verizon for my voice phone.

If 911 can track it, all you need do is hide it up in there with a charger and set the menus to fully silent, and then don't forget the phone number!!!!

I do know there are "aps" (I hate that "word") for "smart phones" ( I REALLY HATE THAT WORD) to track other family member's phones

These are just suggestions to check into. If that would work, there would be no need to invest in expensive dedicated hardware.

Somewhere I read an article where an estranged husband set up a hidden phone in his wife's car, he could call it and listen in on everything she did in the car
Thanks for the suggestions man, i was just curious, its bad there isn't something more easy to setup, youd think these phone companies would get in on it
App called where's my Droid. Works perfectly. Will even tell you the speed of the vehicle. App is free.
A lot of the trackers run off of cell phone towers, no signal, no track.

A satellite device would be best.
How about On-Star? get it to control your electric fuel pump or ignition box with a relay board and shut your car down cold from anywhere. They can track it too. For that matter you could tap into the ringer of a "burner" hidden cell phone as mentioned and have it trip a relay that would do the same. try and hotwire an MSD with the white lead strapped to ground...
My neighbor works for the police auto theft department he is getting me a part number for the device he uses it's cheap he said LoJack is not worth the money since you have to activate it when you find out it's gone by then the thieves can disable it. I'll find out tomorrow
You could also get that track it puck from Milwaukie tools
I was thinking about the milwaukee tools puck also. I was looking at them the other day and thinking "that's a joke for tools but dam it may be great in my car!" They come in packs of 2 so I was thinking of one oder the dash and one in the trunk. I'm just not sure how long they last?
I was thinking about the milwaukee tools puck also. I was looking at them the other day and thinking "that's a joke for tools but dam it may be great in my car!" They come in packs of 2 so I was thinking of one oder the dash and one in the trunk. I'm just not sure how long they last?
Some comments suggest a year or two
Somewhere I saw a discussion, I don't believe those Milwaukee things will work. I believe they are bluetooth/ locally connected, could be wrong

TICK Tool and Equipment Tracker | Milwaukee Tool
"The app will automatically store the last time it was within the 100ft Bluetooth range of the piece of equipment that the TICK™ is attached to"
Somewhere I saw a discussion, I don't believe those Milwaukee things will work. I believe they are bluetooth/ locally connected, could be wrong

TICK Tool and Equipment Tracker | Milwaukee Tool
"The app will automatically store the last time it was within the 100ft Bluetooth range of the piece of equipment that the TICK™ is attached to"
Yeah I just seen that too. So you have to be within 100 feet of the object. That's not gonna work
Put a remote control bomb in it - steal at your own risk.... :mad:
If you live in Southern California don't bother with any kind of tracking device. If it's stolen they will only follow it but not attempt to pull it over. If it heads to the border they will let it go. Trust me as my sister had her truck stolen and the watched it as it crossed the border into Mexico without doing anything. They were more afraid to have a highway chase and endanger others than attempting to stop and arrest the thief. Living elsewhere I could be a great idea.
I have used the service the first year I had my Viper. Just be aware that you will need to keep a battery tender on it at all times while parked. Otherwise it will drain your battery.....quickly! Ask how I know. :(