Anyone else have the post Xmas flu?



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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I sure as hell do. I got home last night after gorging myself on prime rib and other very fatty foods. Only to spend a good half hour leaning over the toilet.(which has ruined prime rib for me for a long long time)

That's the only problem with family get togethers when people have young kids. They are little germ magnets.
I have has this crud for three weeks.... Throwing up at 2:30 am is now a regular thing...
I sure as hell do. I got home last night after gorging myself on prime rib and other very fatty foods. Only to spend a good half hour leaning over the toilet.(which has ruined prime rib for me for a long long time)

That's the only problem with family get togethers when people have young kids. They are little germ magnets.

Aint that the truth.
Seems like one or another of my Grandkids always have something.
I don't have the flu, but I always get something every year when the seasons change.

Hope you kick it real soon.
I sure as hell do. I got home last night after gorging myself on prime rib and other very fatty foods. Only to spend a good half hour leaning over the toilet.(which has ruined prime rib for me for a long long time)
That's the only problem with family get togethers when people have young kids. They are little germ magnets.

dam I think that's exactly what happened to me, except we had turkey. I ach all over today and didn't do much yesterday or today..