Anyone else not watching



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
The super bowl ? I for one could care less about a bunch of men chasing a pig skin around and slapping each other on the rear. I'll be in the garage instead.

I hear ya Adam. I spent all day in the garage and the game gives me an excuse to drink a few extra beers! If the Steelers arent in the game I really dont give a ****
Im with ya,Im not much into watching sports anyway-I already have to many hobbies that enrich my life,not waste it=P~-lol!.
The super bowl ? I for one could care less about a bunch of men chasing a pig skin around and slapping each other on the rear. I'll be in the garage instead.


Me to Adam i never seen the point of watching a bunch of overgrown idiots getting paid millions of dollars to chase a ball around!
I regard any of the -ball sports as a waste of energy. The only good thing about Stupidbowl Sunday is that the grocery store will look like something out of a zombie-apocalypse movie by the time I get there. As I lack a garage, I'll be hanging out in the kitchen (which also serves as a pseudo-garage) contemplating mechanical things.
I thought I was the only one who could care less about football. I was never really into sports. Just give me an old mopar and I'm happy!

Fred B
I have had a super sunday. I hit up a local car swap meet and picked up a 2bbl six intake and carb. Along with another 1bbl aircleaner. And another b&m shifter cable for only $5. Woohoo. It works out sometimes to show up early after a huge overnight rainstorm.
Wow, and I thought I was the only male person on the face of the earth that did not watch or give two &hits about football! I usually feel left out at work due to this. Everyone in my family is a sports nut as well. Thats all they talk about around the holidays. I get bored and find the rum, mix it with some coke. :cheers: =P~
Wifes got dinner cooking,Supper in a Bowl. She's making onion soup. and my daughter is playing video game on tv.
It's a good day, I wouldn't say super.
I guess you could call it Souper Bowl.
I can't wait till it's done.
What can I say, the game is on my wife is watching it and I'm posting & reading through the forum. Where is nascar when you need it?
Yeah, I was footballed out very young. Playing, watching and coaching for 3 years straight absolutely killed my desire to watch football. I don't mind coaching at all, but watching it is terrible.
Oh I for got if I had a garage I'd be in it, though I also have to admit I am watching all the super bowl adds some of theses are great.

As a Canadian I would rather watch the Grey Cup, Staney Cup, or the Briar.
been in the garage all day getting the 340 ready to pull out of the swinger, the wife is watching "law and "let us help you plan your husbands death" I mean "order". dog tracked mud in from outside onto the wifes new bedspread,{that ought to teach her to plot my demise}. not a super day but not at all bad
i've been cleaning bolts for my new big block and now have the bbq grill going for chicken and pork burgers.then going to spend the evening w/the twins on the floor.
I need to turn my garage into a shop and then I'd have a place to go. I have turned this Super Sunday into a positive. Year One is having Super Game Day Sale today on 15% and an extra 5% for orders over $500 and 10% for orders over $1000. Use sales code SBBS. I saved 20 % on Upholstery, seat foam and a list of other goodies. Now it's time to start saving for more parts!
The super bowl ? I for one could care less about a bunch of men chasing a pig skin around and slapping each other on the rear. I'll be in the garage instead.

I've been sanding all day.. Oh what fun.. But its coming!!!!
I do not understand people that complain about these over paid player and then support them by watching, buying jackets and other crap with the team names on them.

It was brought out a few years ago how fixed this all is. Just like professional wrestling (Hogan Still Rules) in many cases the winners are predetermined. Guess that is why an underdog never wins. See how thousands of dollars of pre-printed shirts, hats, jackets, etc. are up for-sale at the end of events…
I'm going to watch the half time show.

They always have pretty women in it most of the time. :snakeman: