anyone ever see this happen?



Sheriff of Rockridge
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
Reno, Nevada

Thats my front brake drum on the truck. Anyone think it was turned too many times?
Never seen it either, that could have been real bad! It does look thin though. Heating up and applying pressure to a thin piece of cast....I could see that happening.
Never turned them myself, who knows how long they have been like that, its my fault really shoulda checked it out a long time ago.

Im kicking myself for junking an old 70s F150. I could have taken the disc set up from that.
not your fault whoever turned them last should have miced and then scrapped them I've been forced to buy new drums by brake shops for that reason and mine were 3 or 4 times thicker than those your lucky to be able to show us those
i have, doing a brake job on a chevy, guy said he had a strange noise, tried yanking the drum off and it split in half, razor sharp too, ouch.
I've seen it too. Recently. It was on the rear of a ford tempo. Fortunately there was a rear hub and bearing there and the drum was just floating between backing plate and the hub. The *** kicker is that there was a rust ring on the back of the drum and I had to crack the drum apart.