Anyone ever taken a nice set of ported Edelbrock heads.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
And do any flow testing going from an 11/32 valve to a 5/16 valve. Since I’m thinking my heads are way past due for valve guides and valves it may be time for a change.
And do any flow testing going from an 11/32 valve to a 5/16 valve. Since I’m thinking my heads are way past due for valve guides and valves it may be time for a change.

Having a seat and guide machine makes a guy think about things like that!
I think there would also be the benefit of reduced mass of moving components in the valve train.
Is the outside diameter of the bronze guide itself the same between an 11/32” stem and an 8mm stem, so the only difference is the valve shape itself?

Would it be reasonable to wonder if one 8mm valve could be temporarily inserted with clay on both ends to keep it centered at a specific lift value for the airflow test? Like a mock-up test.
If it was just for flow testing you could take an 11/32 valve and cut it down to 5/16 on a lathe to flow test one.