anyone familiar with Corpus Christi Texas???



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Berlin,N.J. 08009
my daughter is doing a week long training for sea cadets aboard the uss Lexington. jamie flew down with her and is working from there for a week. any recommendations on places to eat, winery, things to do while she is there? she is loving the 73 degree day today. only 35 here at home. :)



Things to do............... while in Corpus Christi
The Texas state Aquarium right next to the Lex of coarse,

Port Aransas is the beach scene as it should be pretty quiet this time of year but is one big party town come summer or spring break...... But one cool beach town. Lots of great beach merchandise to be had for cheap this time of year in Port A and other shops out towards the Island plus local little restaurant's in that town.

Snoopy's restaurant is located under the causeway headed out towards the Island (Out of CC, past Flour Bluff underneath the causeway bridge towards Padre Island) one of my favorite places to eat when wanting seafood. Snoopy's has outside dining as well as inside dining.

Padre Island national seashore is great place to go walk , pick up shells hang out for a while................... (beware cops use radar to catch speeders on the beach especially if you go a good ways down where the shell hunting is much better, 5,6 or 7 miles or more or so ....... and feel the urge to run 60-70 mph back to civilization down the beach like you were at Daytona back in 1950..... keep your radar detector up and running while running back..... ask me how I know that... Yep the cops pull up in the dunes with just enough car sticking out for the radar gun. They have sand colored SUVs as well.

History museums under the harbor bridge.....

Broosters street ice house under the harbor bridge almost always has live music, cold beer etc...

Water street in the old down town scene has the executive surf club as mentioned plus many little places, restaurants etc....

Cruise down ocean drive (10-12 miles) with many little local parks along the bayfront.

Lots of seasonal things are pretty much wrapped up for the year.............

I quit the alcohol 25 years ago so I don't do the club scene but there are plenty of those places in the old down town area. Texas Red.... Gary