Anyone know anything about Subarus?

Lots of Subaru enthusiasts back in CO, not the wisest bunch and were often the brunt of jokes from fans of other makes lol. One of my peeves how fans of advanced tech think they are somehow better and smarter because they drive/use stuff that is more complex, expensive, exotic etc. OK mini-rant over lol...

The Subaru design is cool being based around AWD architecture but that causes restrictions on how the engines can be made. The engine on Subarus (and most Audis which in a way Subaru kinda ripped off their AWD idea) literally hangs off the front of the front axle so the front/rear weight distribution is pretty bad; that requires the engine to be as light and short as possible hence the short and wide boxer layout with lots of aluminum and plastic.

I came across this a while back and found it interesting, from an older guy who's spent his life building racing engines for Asian imports...

I just like the Lagacy wagons for their old-man friendly interiors, and slow-to rust bodies. That they have arguably the best AWD system, to me, is of no great importance. It's coming out.
But they come with six cylinders at least and I hate the sound of 4-bangers no matter how well they are quieted. Six I can handle. but If I ever found one up here as a good roller, and I thought I could stick say a 318 between the towers and still be able to steer it, I might consider getting into it.
Aw who am I kidding,; at 71 I just don't have the drive I once had, to do new and exciting stuff.
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My wife's broomstick is a 2010 Subaru Forester. We bought it new in 2010. For her, it has been a flawless vehicle for her driving. All Subarus are AWD, which is nice. The trim level of her car is one step above the lowest, and the engine is naturally aspirated. We have only ever put tires, oil changes and brakes on it over the years. I think it feels like driving a go-kart, but I drive bigger heavy vehicles daily.

We are in the market for a replacement for her, and will give another Subaru a look. Our dogs also prefer riding in it, because it is easier for them to get in and out of than my big rigs.