Anyone know where I can find '65 Barracuda/Valiant 1/25th taillights?



Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Buford, GA
I'm building a replica of my first car ('65 Valiant) with a Bandit Resins body. Down to prepping the body and trim. I have managed to lose one of the taillights. :( I have emailed Bandit Resin and Reliable Resin (they have a '65 Barracuda body) to see if either place will sell me just the taillights but no replies. Searching doesn't show anyone parting an old kit or promo.
Hoping someone maybe knows someone who knows someone... :)
I believe the person running Modelhaus retired.

They had a huge "buy it now on never" type of sale a couple of years ago.

I bought the 73 Duster hood and front bumper I was missing and a couple other things.

I wish I had bought the parts to complete my 62 Lancer. They had them.
Could use some 66 Barracuda tail lights, not the same but they would work and those are easier to find since they still make the kit. They do make a 65 Hemi Under Glass kit, might just need to buy the whole kit for your tail lights. Ebay is your best bet, seen a pair not long ago listed on there
If you don't care about chrome plating (or can form foil) you could resin/polymer cast a duplicate of the one you have.
If you don't care about chrome plating (or can form foil) you could resin/polymer cast a duplicate of the one you have.

I wish I could. I have the one taillight (which is resin & not chromed) that could be copied? by someone who does that kind of work. I don't know anyone who does it though. I keep searching under various titles and keep drawing a blank as far as parts. Looks like I may need to try and make one from scratch. I have a '66 Hemi Under Glass kit but the '66 taillights are not really close to '65s.
Y'all keep me in mind if you happen to see a set. :thumbsup:
My wife makes polymer clay dolls and accessories.

She is just starting to get into polymer and resin casting.

I will ask if she would be interested in showing me how to do it, and could use your part as an example.

* note that this will be a back burner project as we have been extremely busy doing TNR at a feral cat colony on the other side of town and fostering friendly kittens.

Do you by chance, need a kitten?
We would love to have a kitten/cat for the grandchildren but our daughter is allergic to cats. :(
Thanks for the offer. I'll finish the car sans the taillights. If it's not cost-prohibitive (I know nothing about it) to copy one small item and you think y'all can do it, let me know. Absolutely no rush.
And good luck with the kittens. :thumbsup:
Received the taillights from Hyper_pak yesterday and they fit better than the resin one did. Plus they have the bonus of red lenses. :thumbsup:
Glad you found some.

My wife will be relieved.

Do they make anything else?
Didn't mean to stress your wife out. (Where's the wink emoji? :) )Tell her I appreciate the thought. :thumbsup:
If you're referring to Hyper_pak & the taillights, he's a member. Pretty sure the taillights came from one of the old Barracuda models. He may or may not have more parts.
What are you looking for? I still do a good bit of searching for various things and would be glad to let you know if I run across something.
I've been trying to find a 75/76 Duster Grill to finish a model of my car I've been working on. I have a beautiful resin 73 grill. Once I find one I might see about getting a resin cast of it made.

Been 2 years of searching!
