Anyone pulling the A body out of storage yet?

Getting close to time to move the 'outside Dart' back inside the air conditioned garage before it gets too hot! ;-)
I never put it in storage. Been mowing the lawn since beginning of February. strange for this area also. Fortunately they never salt here they use chains or studded tires for bad weather.

We skipped right over winter, didn't we. First time I have seen it like this.
The snow all melted away so I could at lest open the door and let some sun shin in on her. I am looking at doing a bunch to it in the next 7 days the way the weather is looking ahead of us here in northeast Arkansas :cheers:

Over here in northwest Arkansas it's going to be 70 degrees and sunny today. Perfect cruising weather. The only thing keeping me from taking the Dart for a drive is a wiped cam lobe.. :banghead: Then again I'm only going to have this engine for another week anyways..
Over here in northwest Arkansas it's going to be 70 degrees and sunny today. Perfect cruising weather.

Rub it in Grant, rub it in. :D

It'll be at least a month for me, snow should be gone in another week or so if this heat wave up here keeps up. Close to 50* today. Then we need a couple of good rains to turn the roads black again.
Pulled the dart out of storage and got her fired up today.Now its in my friends shop to finish up a few thing.
Had the Dart out today, made a run to the store. Was 69 degrees here today but supposed to rain tomorrow. Love hearing the rumble and the shirpping of the tires. Cruise nights start next month?
Way too much salt and moon size craters. Be awhile before road bound.
Rolled (notice I said "rolled") the 72 out of the shop this evening so I could clean up a little. Tmrw evening I'm hoping to roll the 71 out of the other bay so I can get in to get my 5.9 out so I can get it on the engine stand and start prepping it for when I drop my K, engine, trans, etc. hopefully have it back together by June/July but Idk, guess we'll see
Out of storage? Not familiar with the concept. Guess "storage" would have to be necessary first. ;)

But they don't salt the roads here in Ca, so even driving in the snow isn't a big deal.

Not that there's been any this year. 75* and sunny today. :glasses7:
In town there is no snow but where the Dart is stored out at the Ranch there is still a foot of snow. I'll be headed there monday though to start getting it ready to be woken up.
Never really put mine in storage. I try to get it out for a drive at least once during every month of the year.

Had the dart out for a drive a couple days ago, was 69 degrees, had a nice little drive.

sorry for the crappy cell phone pic


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Never really put mine in storage. I try to get it out for a drive at least once during every month of the year.

Had the dart out for a drive a couple days ago, was 69 degrees, had a nice little drive.

sorry for the crappy cell phone pic

Have you ever taken that car on trAil ridge road in rmnp?
Have you ever taken that car on trAil ridge road in rmnp?

No, I've had it up to Estes park a couple times but never up to trail ridge.
Good idea for this summer though.

We'll probably be going up into rmnp more often now. Wifey turned 62, and at that age you can get a lifetime national parks pass for $12.00
Normally its $20.00 for a 2 day pass. We'll never have to pay to get in again. I guess old age does have some benefits.
No, I've had it up to Estes park a couple times but never up to trail ridge.
Good idea for this summer though.

We'll probably be going up into rmnp more often now. Wifey turned 62, and at that age you can get a lifetime national parks pass for $12.00
Normally its $20.00 for a 2 day pass. We'll never have to pay to get in again. I guess old age does have some benefits.

That's awesome. I would love to take my dart up that road one day. That park is amazing too. I'm pretty sure there is still a few inches of snow up there though :)
Never really put mine in storage. I try to get it out for a drive at least once during every month of the year.

Had the dart out for a drive a couple days ago, was 69 degrees, had a nice little drive.

sorry for the crappy cell phone pic

Love the white color and the rear stripe. Beautiful car!

Me and the old man put about twenty miles on the cars this weekend and got them all shined up!
Going out for a ride tomorrow and bring it for that alignment I have put off since re-assembly.

It is supposed to be another nice day in North Georgia.