Anyone seen a new Dart on the road?

I saw one just yesterday. At first I mistook it for an Alpha Romeo. :roll:

A POS by any other name....
Just read an article on aol that lumped the new Dart in with a bunch of other vehicles said to be capable of going 300K miles .Interesting but how do you ascertain a models mileage capability ? Basically they're just guessing based on engineering right?
Basically they're just guessing based on engineering right?

i would assume its because they used proven parts..

its a stretched and widened alfa
forget what motor but its not an all new design i'm sure
and uses a Hyundai transmission
No, but I think I saw my 3rd Volt! and only the 2nd that had real plates. not DLR plates...What a joke!

Hmmm... See them all the time down here including the one I drive. It really sucks to average 125MPG.....
Was getting fuel on the way home with my Dart on the trailer. One pulled up to the pump next to me. Guy driving it was 45-50 years old. He came over and asked if I wanted to trade. Talked for a few minutes, he owned several a-bodies over the years. I tried to get him to talk about his new car, but he just kept changing the subject.
That would be even more annoying than the re-badging of a car that bears zero resemblance to the original. At least the Camaros and Mustangs resemble the originals.
Well what is bad I live around the corner from the main head quarts and tech center and can normally say that I see most of the new stuff before a lot of people do and I have not seen a one!
Don't you love the dual tail pipes.

People are so dumb, a little 4 banger doesn't need dual pipes..its likely a single exhaust pipe till it reaches the back of the car.

But cars look cooler and faster with dual pipes hanging out, so on they go and the buying pubic sucks it up.
They aren't Neons either - they are Alfas![/QUOTE]

I think they suck!!!! I show one on the road and I hope they go the way of the "YUGO", gone and soon forgotten. These cars are a joke, as said numerous times in this thread, today's cars all look alike.

What a waste of a great opportunity to be unique. Way to go Chrysler.
That would be even more annoying than the re-badging of a car that bears zero resemblance to the original. At least the Camaros and Mustangs resemble the originals.

To be fair they did an OK job with the Challenger, not so much the Charger. But what does this say about how Chrysler views the A-Body? Not worthy...
These newer cars seem all the same to me--wasn't for the plus 20 mpg I would not even drive them expect in bad fact its about all they are good for, good mpg and good to drive in bad weather..traction control is nice in the rain and boy can they stop well in the rain
I finally saw one in Flint Mi. heads home from K-zoo thought it was a VW till it passed me then the tail lights, not really impressed
Finally saw one last week . Much like the original Run of the mill Darts it was driven by a white haired elderly couple. Maybe that's why I never see any-their target demographic is retired folks who only drive during the mid-day. Most of my driving is during commute hours.
Ya know, the funny thing is I keep seeing the "they all look the same to me" comments and then remember the comments about how our A bodies get mistaken for Novas. (Even on this thread).

I saw one yesterday during the cruise. Club presidents son (I guess he was his son) was driving it...Thing looked like it handled like a dream. Keepin in mind the drastic body changes from just think its been near 50 years since the first Dart came out and about 40 since the last. If I had the $ Id get one myself tbh.