Anyone signing up for DirecTV? If so I can help



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Well I have DirecTV and I am wondering if anyone is going to sign up anytime soon? I ask because they have a referral program. So if I give you my account number both of us will receive $10 off the bill for the next 10 months. I figured I would just put it out there if anyone is interested. Gotta love discounts lol.
I'll PM my account # to ya and the Referral number.
If you'll have any questions let me know. :)
Yup same here! I believe you can have up to 10 discounts in a 10month period. So if signing up I can help too.
Wish you guys had said something a month and a half ago. We just signed up. Oh, well. Ya live and learn!
LOL.....I'd hire the 2 kids up the street to do puppet shows before I'd get Direct TV again. I know a lot of people love it, and I'm glad it works well for them. For me, it SUCKED from installation to disconnect. :banghead:
I haven't had a single issue with mine. Going great. Sorry to hear about your issues.