anyone wanna go to the zoo

Don't try to tell me that you haven't taken your wife or significant other to the zoo when she was raggin' just to watch the monkeys go nuts. You learn a lot of stuff in the zoo that ain't in books. Thanks for the vid.
I don't think I want to see it!! Ol softy here :-D
That was quite disturbing lol. I do remember once being at the zoo and watching an ostrich dispense with the brown. Was rather weird!! It has like this cork screw type thing that comes out, unwinds and drops the load and goes back in..... WEIRD!!!!!! Was one of those things where you're so grossed out yet, can't look the donkey show in Clerks 2! :D
That was quite disturbing lol. I do remember once being at the zoo and watching an ostrich dispense with the brown. Was rather weird!! It has like this cork screw type thing that comes out, unwinds and drops the load and goes back in..... WEIRD!!!!!! Was one of those things where you're so grossed out yet, can't look the donkey show in Clerks 2! :D
That`s inter-species erotica there bucko