Are these Super Stock springs?


'74 Sport

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Troy, TX
Can anyone ID these springs for me? My son Aaron bought these with the understanding that they are Super Stock springs. I've been trying to hunt down some replacement bushings, but the SS bushing kits I found are not the same size as the ends of these springs. I cannot find part numbers stamped on them anywhere.

How long have SS springs been around? Could they be early versions? How many leaves are typically in a set of SS springs?


Springs 01.JPG

Springs 04.JPG

Springs 02.JPG

Springs 06.JPG
Can't see a whole spring, but it doesn't look like there is as much arch as the springs I just got for the Duster
I've been told there should be numbers near the end of a leaf. Can you post a pic of yours showing the numbers?
here is a pic of a stock A body spring...replacement spring from JRS and 002/003 Super stock springs...the ss has 5 leafs in it...

from top...stock
middle ...JRS
bottom ....SS with UPS sticker