Are you freaking kidding me



Scamp Tramp
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Dodge Iowa
Wow my morning has been great. Any men that deal with Child Support Recovery agencys know my feeling. I switched jobs about 5 months ago. Sent my information in to them on the new employer. Well a few months go by and nothing yet. So then I get a letter in the mail requestion the information again. So again I send it in. Now a month later i get a D.O.T license sanction meaning they want to take my drivers liscenes. So today I call to find out what the hell is going on. Talking to the person on the other end she told me that they send them out when your past due. I said how am i past due I just paid $2100 a few weeks ago. She says yes but that doesnt count this month for April which isnt over yet. So I asked why havent you been taking it out of my check she says we dont have your employer information. So I give it to her. And here is the kicker..... She says Oh we have had this information for some time now. It must have been a glitch in our system.

There glitch almost cost me my damn drivers license. Sorry rant over needed someone to *****.
They have glitches alright. Some years ago when I was paying support, to the tune of 40% of my paycheck, the state of Michigan implemented a new plan. Well let me tell you it was great. Under the new plan (MISDU) my payments were being taken from my check and sent to them for disbursement. The next thing I know I'm getting checks in the mail from them, as they thought I was the payee. After multitudes of calls it still wasn't resolved. They then proceeded to send me letters saying my driver license, my EMT license would be suspended and to top it off I would not be able to purchase hunting and fishing licenses. What a crock, would you believe it took 6 months to get them straight.

All the while they were telling me this was impossible, couldn't be happening.
Sorry to hear, I was in the same boat as you, but reversed. Trying to collect thru Family Responsibility Office, is just a joke....
It really pisses me off. Trying to get them on the phone is hard. They want to do everything in letters. Which is fine by me but it almost cost me my drivers license. To a glitch that she said she couldnt explain. Funny when they want there money they are all over you like flies on crap. But not forgiving when low and behold its there mistake.
Wouldn't it be even better if our grand government ran everything.I deal with a private company that can't get anything right.
Thanks guys im glad some of you know what im talking about. Unless you deal with these people you really cant explain it. She said she was going to put the though the cancel on the sanction of my DL. She said they got rid of there customer support line. So I think the glitch was due to downsizing.
Wouldn't it be even better if our grand government ran everything.I deal with a private company that can't get anything right.

Funny I think they could be apart of the government. There not people you want to be on there bad side. They can screw you 6 ways from sunday and no lube provided. Been doing this for 11 years never had a problem.
I FEEL YOUR PAIN...those sorry asses have been taking money from me that expired last year and i am STILL fighting to get my money back ....those people are CROOKS. i cannot express how much i hate those people.
I paid child support for a son that was living with me for over a year, paid for my youngest for 3 months after he was emancipated, etc.. Do you think I could get the overpayments back? Get real! The money went through at least 3 govt. agencies in 2 states, each one said it's not their fault, talk to the other one! Finally they said I'd have to sue my wife to get the money back, "It's not there problem"! Business is good at messing things up but they don't hold a candle to the way the government can!
P.S. She said she never got the money and showed me the records!
I have full custody of my 2 kids, my ex doesnt pay child support. NYS is kind enough to charge me $25 a year for collection costs cause she refuses to make a contribution. :banghead:
Yeah know all about it, been there done that. Those people are a PITA and the system they have is a joke. Hope it works out for ya.
I have full custody of my 2 kids, my ex doesnt pay child support. NYS is kind enough to charge me $25 a year for collection costs cause she refuses to make a contribution. :banghead:

I about guarantee that if the roles where reversed in your case, they wouldn't waste any time garnishing your wages, taking your DL, or worst case throwing you in jail for non payment of support. The court systems are sooo messed up & cater to the women almost all the time.
now I can understand that there is real dead beat fathers and mothers. But they dont have to treat everyone that way. But really there are those play by the rules and still get hosed.
Those type of people have infiltrated everywhere! Not just the child support offices. I think sometimes they have been sent from another planet to drive us crazy enough that it will be easy to take over Earth.

Ma Snart


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I about guarantee that if the roles where reversed in your case, they wouldn't waste any time garnishing your wages, taking your DL, or worst case throwing you in jail for non payment of support. The court systems are sooo messed up & cater to the women almost all the time.

You got that right. There is a female in the area here that was ordered to pay support to a person I know which she hasn't only unless she is forced to.

The last time she was in court her arrears were over 40,000.00 dollars. The judge ordered her to come up with 400 bucks and she walked. When I got called in for arrears mine was minimal (due to some layoff from work during the time I was paying) and I had to scratch together 1500.00 bucks or go to jail. Mind you I was paying every week for the entire 16 and a half years, with just a few missed payments due to being out of work temporarily.

So your right it isn't fair or right in my book.
I about guarantee that if the roles where reversed in your case, they wouldn't waste any time garnishing your wages, taking your DL, or worst case throwing you in jail for non payment of support. The court systems are sooo messed up & cater to the women almost all the time.

X2- NYSCS (New York State Child Support) called me up demanding payment, stating that Im over 10grand in arrears. They threatend wage garnishment, tax return garnishment and so on. When I informed the twat on the phone that I was the costodial parent and Im not receiving any payments, she suggested that I go to family court. I already have an existing court ordered petition for CS that I dont receive any benefit from. The courts refer me back to CS. A trip to family court is a disaster from a mans position. The court officers/judges tell me where to stand, on the respondants side. I get the usual tounge lashing and am told not to speak. The judge asks why dont I make any contributions, then I say im the petitioner not the respondant. It's all just BS. All I know is, if a man walks into family court having over 10k in arrears, he would be handcuffed and taken away.
See thats just it. Men get a bad rap. I pay mine like clock work and been paying since I was 19. Mind you 4 of them years we lived together but child support always said there was nothing they could do (thats another subject all on its own). Last time I was in for a review they actually wanted to lower it. Oh that raised hell. So I said screw it leave it where its at. Men dont get the credit they deserve were not all dead beat non payers.
X2- NYSCS (New York State Child Support) called me up demanding payment, stating that Im over 10grand in arrears. They threatend wage garnishment, tax return garnishment and so on. When I informed the twat on the phone that I was the costodial parent and Im not receiving any payments, she suggested that I go to family court. I already have an existing court ordered petition for CS that I dont receive any benefit from. The courts refer me back to CS. A trip to family court is a disaster from a mans position. The court officers/judges tell me where to stand, on the respondants side. I get the usual tounge lashing and am told not to speak. The judge asks why dont I make any contributions, then I say im the petitioner not the respondant. It's all just BS. All I know is, if a man walks into family court having over 10k in arrears, he would be handcuffed and taken away.

Ain't it great you get called in and because you are the man they automatically assume you should be paying. WOW, how screwed up are these people. I thought it was just the FOC here that was bad.
i have had my wages garnished for the last 3 years. almost half my check. my daughter turned 18 in march of 2011. they are still garnishing my pay. i got layed off this january. i filed a modification and i am still paying in half my unemployment check. it is unreal how these people operate. i still havent heard anything from them in over 6 months and i cant even get a call back. i went down to their office and they told me its up to the registry to contact the courts to get any kind of motions rolling. if i had my way i would set the building on fire (with no one in it of course) and torch the documents. my UE check is less than 3/4 of what my regular pay was and i am barely making it as it is, let alone these jerks taking half of that...
sorry....touchy subject LOL
I feel all of your pain!!! I could go on for hours about the way Washington Support Enforcement jacked me around but I will condense it for you.
Feb. 1998 the ex (not married) and I separated. 2 children 6 and 8. For the next 1 1/2 years my ex and my girls lived in my house (I moved out). I paid the rent, electricity, water, phone etc. and have all the receipts to prove it. In Aug. 1999 ex and daughters moved to the Seattle area. She filed for welfare because she was pregnant. Support enforcement requested my contact info from her. She told them she did not know how to contact me and that she had not seen or heard from me since Feb. 99. Keep in mind that I am sending her 100's of dollars a week via Western Union and have all the receipts. November of 2001 I get a summons to appear in court in Tacoma WA for a child support hearing. I take all my records and plead my case. The judge orders me to provide the prosecutor with copies of all my paperwork and resets the case for Jan. 2002. January court date I appear as required. Prosecutor claims that his car was stolen with the copies of all my records in his trunk. Judge asks to see my copies. I give them to him. He says I don't have time to look through all this and orders another set of copies for prosecutors office and resets for March. Appear at March hearing in front of a female judge. Prosecutor runs through his statements. Judge basically calls me a deadbeat. I say what about all my evidence. She says it means nothing!! Signs an order saying I am 3 years in arrears at $400 per child per month for a total of $28,000+.
I decide to hire an attorney to fight it for me. On the day of my attorney's appointment I receive a letter from the state that they are suspending both my drivers license and business license for past due child support. I show everything to my lawyer. He says I can fight it and you will most likely win but it is going to take a year and cost around $20,000!!!!
He suggested that the quickest and easiest way to get my license back and be done with it was to negotiate a settlement with my ex. Long story short no license for 3 months and I had to send my ex a lump sum check for $15,000 to get on with my life.
Good luck to anyone dealing with these people!!!
Plain and get raped in anything regarding divorce, or child support.

The best way to deal with it is to keep detailed records and whenever you speak with a DHS or FOC representative is to document the time, heart of the conversation, outcome, and definitely their name and any identifying information they will give you. I even recommend recording the conversation if allowed by law. It's also good to have a copy of any court agreement that you are well versed in and all your own information (work address, pay stubs, etc.). A good attorney is also a must if funds allow.

Also, since most government agencies get a "grade" (at least in Michigan) if you file a complaint or disagree with a decision, you can file a motion for a hearing and they will flip head over heels many times to settle.

As always, knowledge and preparation are best and I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
i also feel your pain...that being said the state(nc) i know gets money from the government for all the money they collect for child when they take your money they get money...damn dont you love the good old u.s. home of the son 17 now stop going to school last year cause his mother said she could home school this is where is gets good...she went to collage and finished has 2 degrees...but the dumb **** drives a school bus and work part time at targets....:finga::finga::finga::finga::finga::finga::finga: but i still have to pay and he said he dont do home school......:boxing::boxing: